• Rescind the offer of a second state visit for Donald Trump to the UK
    The 28th February 2025 marked a disgusting display of childish playground bullying and a shameful moment in History for America and the American People. How this blots our own history depends on how we respond in the immediate aftermath and the coming days.  Donald Trump’s actions—not just towards Ukraine and President Zelensky but also towards Canada, Mexico, Europe, and other allies—represent an attack on the principles of international cooperation, mutual respect, and democratic governance. His tenure has been marked by divisiveness, hostility, and a blatant disregard for the rule of law, both domestically and abroad.  As John Stuart Mill once said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name.” The United Kingdom must not remain silent in the face of such tyranny and corruption. We cannot afford to condone or enable the actions of an administration that has repeatedly proven itself to be neither an ally to its own people nor to democratic nations across the globe.  The offer of a second state visit to Donald Trump would send a dangerous message: that the UK is willing to overlook the erosion of democratic values and the rise of authoritarian tendencies in exchange for short-term economic or political gains. This is unacceptable.  Now is the time for the United Kingdom to take a stand. We must:  1. Rescind the offer of a second state visit to Donald Trump, demonstrating our commitment to upholding democratic principles and international solidarity. 2. Rebuild and strengthen relationships with allied nations, reducing our over-reliance on a single, increasingly unstable power.  3. Work towards a future where peace, stability, and cooperation are built on mutual respect and shared values, not on the whims of a corrupt and divisive leader.   The world is watching. How we respond in the coming days will determine whether we are complicit in the erosion of democracy or whether we stand firm in defence of the values that define us.   We call on the UK government to act with courage, integrity, and resolve. Rescind the offer of a state visit to Donald Trump. Take a stand against tyranny. And work towards a brighter, more just future for all. 
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Smith
  • No second state visit for Trump
    Unbelievable. Keir Starmer has handed Donald Trump a letter from King Charles, inviting him for a second state visit to the UK. It’s totally unprecedented, and should not go ahead.  This is the same Donald Trump that in recent weeks has buddied up with Putin, cranked up tariffs on trade,  slashed aid across the world and berated Ukrainian President Zelensky in the White House. Meanwhile his best buddy Elon Musk has been sticking his oar into UK politics and  spreading lies on social media.  No date for the visit is set yet - so if we’re going to have any chance of stopping this happening, we need to act right now. A huge petition signed by hundreds of thousands of us will show Trump, The King and the PM how unwelcome the US president truly is. It’s the first step in stopping this terrible idea. If you think Donald Trump is unfit to be celebrated with another state visit, will you sign the petition right now and share with as many people as you can? 
    202,150 of 300,000 Signatures
  • Clean Up Politics - Sign an open letter to MPs
    Our political system is not working because it doesn't put people first. Public trust is at an all time low and discriminatory abuse of people in politics has got worse. These problems can only be fixed if we work together. We need to show the Government that the British public wish politics to change and make it better for everyone. Please sign our open letter to MPs   Dear Members of Parliament, Our political system needs repair, and we, the British people, are paying the price. • 76% of people worry about government corruption. • Only 6% believe voters influence the government. • A record 45% say they "almost never" trust politicians to prioritise the nation over party interests. • 83% of BME MPs report that racist abuse affects their work. This can’t continue! We must Clean Up Politics before it’s too late. That’s why we the British people are calling on EVERY MP to sign a pledge to: ✅ Stop lying in politics - distrust of politicians makes people less likely to vote or engage in politics. ✅ Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse - threats and discrimination of politicians puts people at risk and undermines democracy. ✅ Reform the Lords -  the House of Lords is unrepresentative with 700+ Peers, 71% men and an average age of 71. Unaccountable with no democratic oversight.  It’s time to turn over a new leaf and that starts with each and every MP saying they’ll back the pledge to Clean Up Politics today.  Signed,  Members of the public
    30,096 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Put People First Picture
  • Do not invite Trump to make State Visit to UK 2025
    In view of Mr Trump's appalling record in Office to date: his abandonment of the rights of minorities, his threats to take over foreign lands, his abuse of friendly Heads of State, his promise to stop protection of the environment and threats to abandon countries in need and his ending of USAID to the world's neediest we believe that such a Visit would encourage him in further uncivilised and autocratic behaviour.  This Visit would bring shame on our country, is likely to embarass His Majesty and send out all the wrong signals about who the British are.
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John-Francis Friendship
  • Fact check MAGA propaganda
    This is crucial because MAGA propaganda is typically far-right rhetoric, aimed to sow confusion, radicalize, create scapegoats, and destabilize societies.  MAGA figures actively seek to influence our electorate and politicians in the UK and other countries. Diligent, persistent fact-checking of far-right statements is essential to mitigate harm.  Mandating this through Ofcom is the most effective approach. 
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Melia
  • Demand UK Condemnation and Sanctions for Elon Musk’s Provocative Nazi Gesture.
    It is vital to stand against hate and division to protect the values of equality, democracy, and human dignity. Last summer’s hate riots in the UK, partly fuelled by right-wing misinformation supported by Elon Musk and other commentators on X, demonstrate the real-world dangers of enabling extremist narratives. Failing to condemn Musk’s gesture dishonours the millions who died at the hands of the Nazis and the brave individuals, including Americans, who gave their lives to defeat them. By joining this campaign, we can demand accountability for high-profile figures who spread division and ensure the UK takes a firm stand against the rise of dangerous ideologies.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gary riding
  • Build for, not against our communities!
    Dear Angela, We are all aware of the need for warm, affordable housing across the country. However, recent announcements from yourself and the government have sadly sought to pitch communities against local decision making processes and nature against people. The new Planning Reforms seek to take power away from those who have been elected to represent residents, overriding democracy and playing into the hands and ultimately pockets of developers. Developers already hold too much power and people will continue to be locked out of buying and even renting in this, their home town 💔 As one of the most nature depleted countries on earth, we can't afford to keep building without a thought for nature. Not only are green spaces essential to relax in, flooding is an increasing risk in over built locations, such as this. We rely on biodiversity, eg pollinators such as 🐝 bees and 🦋 butterflies to pollinate our food, however if all of their habitats continue to be concreted over, long-term this will effect every species, including our own. In order to reassure local people, who are understandably dismayed at these new proposals, please can you offer comfort with the following 🏘👇 - To bring empty properties back into use as a priority. - Setting an expectation for all developers to build a minimum 50% Affordable housing. - Abolish the disastrous Right to Buy scheme - Commit to respecting Local Plans - The expectation for developers to build warm, affordable homes. - Environmental measures such as solar panels, flooding protections, swift & bee bricks & hedgehog holes to be delivered as standard for all builds. - Ensuring environmental protections such as Sites of Scientific Special Interest (SSSIs] are adhered to - thereby keeping important nature havens such as Swanscombe Peninsula safe. Thank you, Written by 💚 Cllr Laura Edie On behalf of Dartford Borough residents
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Edie
  • Make monarchists pay for Elizabeth’s £46m memorial
    Charles' Coronation cost at least £72 million. Elizabeth’s funeral cost £162 million. The Royal Finances Report shows we lose £510 million to the monarchy every year and now we, the taxpayers, are expected to pay £46 million for a memorial to Elizabeth.  Enough is enough. This money is desperately needed for better causes - hospitals, schools, housing and more. If the monarchy is as popular as certain media outlets make out, then let monarchists pay for the memorial. As loyal and devoted subjects, why wouldn't they be able to raise that much?  Crowd fund the memorial and spare us overburdened citizens!
    23,706 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Danni Wayne Rawlings
  • Re-introduce EU Youth Mobility Schemes in the UK
    Opportunities! To meet new people, learn a new language, learn new skills, grow your confidence, make connections and build friendships with people from Spain to Azerbaijan to Jordan! Open your mind, open your heart and open your world! And it's such an amazing opportunity to become more employable!  EU mobility schemes have so much to offer, why should the youth of the UK continue to be deprived of opportunities?  Lets get the ball rolling, and start to rebuild our relationship with the EU whilst opening up the doors to a world of opportunities! 
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Megan Roberts
    • Many people were disenfranchised by the sudden calling of the 2024 General Election.  • The 4th of July did not allow enough time for many postal votes to be processed correctly. This was unfair.  • Scottish voters had arranged holidays and were away on election day. •  I live in France and I was told by my local election services that there was no way they would be able to send me the voting papers in enough time for me to return my vote in time to be counted! •  Although fixed term parliaments have ceased, there must be a legally enforceable time for all voters to participate.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert HALL
  • Save football now! Don't Bench the Bill
    THERE is no doubt that football is broken. With the announcement of the General Election, the Football Governance Bill, which would have introduced a new Independent Regulator for Football, fell. But this now represents an opportunity to address the serious flaws that were in it.  We need a Bill that will tackle the growing financial inequality in the game, that ensures the regulator is truly independent, protects the heritage of clubs, champions equality and the environment, and properly consults fans and clubs. It is now up to the next Government to pick up the mantle and deliver a fairer future for football.  For the sake of fans and clubs up and down the country we need all parties to make a firm commitment that a new Bill is brought forward in the first session of the next government - a Bill that is fit for purpose.
    1,358 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Niall Couper
  • Implement Minimum Wage and Personal/Travel Expense Policies for Politicians and Ministers
    I, like many of you, have seen the disconnect between our politicians and the reality of life in our state. The very individuals who are meant to serve us seem to be exploiting their positions for personal gain. This is why I am calling for a change in how we compensate our MPs, PMs and Ministers. No state can exist without its population; it's the people that make a state thrive. Yet, it seems that those elected to represent us have lost touch with this fundamental truth. They use their positions as a means to an end rather than serving the interests of those they represent. By introducing these policies in our state, we will ensure that those who govern us do so with first-hand knowledge of what life is like on an average income. There must be no divide and no disconnection between the state and its citizens. It is time we held our politicians accountable not only through votes but also through policies that reflect reality rather than privilege. Please sign this petition if you believe in creating a more equitable system where one cannot rule over another without understanding what their life is like.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aleksandr Zabolotnov