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To: The Government

Abandon plans to demand photo ID at general elections

This petition calls on the government to abandon the requirement for passports, driving licences or other photographic ID to validate an individuals right to vote.

Why is this important?

The proposed Electoral Integrity bill will require voters to produce a passport, driving licence or other photographic ID before they are allowed to vote.

However, it has not been clearly demonstrated that levels of voter fraud are sufficient to warrant such a step.

The bill would merely deny millions of eligible voters the opportunity to cast their ballot.

The affected groups of voters - those most likely to be unable to provide a driving licence or passport - predominantly includes: young people, people from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, women and the elderly.

It's just plain wrong.

This petition calls on the government to abandon the requirement for photographic ID to validate an individuals right to vote.
United Kingdom

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2019-10-25 17:23:26 +0100

100,000 signatures reached

2019-10-15 08:02:36 +0100

50,000 signatures reached

2019-10-14 17:36:10 +0100

20,000 signatures reached

2019-10-14 16:56:23 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2019-10-14 16:35:35 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2019-10-14 16:11:31 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2019-10-14 15:30:15 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-10-14 15:01:46 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-10-14 14:58:16 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-10-14 12:56:45 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-10-13 22:06:16 +0100

10 signatures reached