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To: Government, MP's

Abolish the Right to Buy Scheme in England

We want to follow Scotland and Wales in abolishing the Right To Buy policy. This policy is one of the main contributors to the severe dwindling numbers of social housing available for those who are really in need.

The policy was originally created within the Housing Act 1980 and has since be a main contributor to the loss of social housing within the UK.

Additionally, the large discounts on social housing has led to insufficient funds when restocking the sold off properties.

To tackle the issues of homelessness, England need to follow the footsteps of Scotland and Wales by abolishing the RTB scheme.

Why is this important?

In 2019, there was 280,000 people made homeless according to Shelter. This in itself highlights how the UK should follow in Scotland and Wales' footsteps by abolishing the RTB scheme this will help to protect the social housing and will allow for local authorities to house families on waiting lists.

One of the main issues surrounding RTB is that the amount of social housing that is sold off, is almost never replaced as the UK Government previously promised due to a severe lack of funding within the housing markets.

It can also be seen through Government statistics that some social housing is sold for around 5 times the price of the original Right To Buy price, showing how the RTB scheme is not so much in the peoples favour but now rather private landlords and for private developers sales.

Join the fight of #goodbyeRTB and help us abolish the scheme that no longer favours the UK's people.



2021-06-03 17:05:45 +0100

10 signatures reached