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To: British electorate

Abstain from the 2016 EU Referendum

66% of the British electorate voted in the 2015 General Election.

One third of voters therefore abstained.

66% of voters are invited to abstain from the 2016 EU Referendum.

Why is this important?

It is important to abstain from this EU referendum campaign because the staging of this argument suits those in power. It suits them to divert our attention onto the EU issue while they continue with an anti-people agenda of privatising the National Health Service, taking benefits from the poorest in society, de-regulating the City of London, and dismantling universities. Every second of airtime given to this issue is a second that does not scrutinise a government of millionaires presiding over increasing homelessness, less care for the mentally ill, fewer police officers on the streets, and shoddy treatment of doctors.

The issue of whether the UK remains in the EU is essentially an internal Conservative Party issue that the Prime Minister has decided to turn into a campaigning issue. It is an issue of choice. It is an unnecessary indulgence for a man who will leave office in three years and resume being what he is: a multi-millionaire elitist. It was entirely his choice to turn this into a major political issue. And to give him and his coterie attention on this issue is to play into his hands. Obviously, the media are playing into his hands. They love this issue. It is a simple binary choice. It pits supposed allies against each other. It touches on weather-vane issues beloved by the right-wing gutter press such as immigration, welfare, and ‘foreigners’.

What we are seeing with this EU referendum campaign is essentially theatre. The UK will vote to remain in the EU. If there is any doubt about this, take a look at what happened during the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence. The extent to which the people of Scotland were bludgeoned on a daily basis by London-based corporations, media and political parties was something that had to be seen to be believed. The corporations, media and political parties united to form a massive steamroller that bullied and threatened people about the benefits of remaining in the UK.

Cynically, Scotland's remaining in the UK campaign called itself Project Fear – it was predicated on the notion that it would win if it scared people about tax, cost of living, pensions, and security. And it worked. Prime Minister Cameron and his rich white boy allies know this. Project Fear II will prevail and the UK will remain in the EU. And safe in that knowledge, we should concentrate on issues that matter – not on a sham referendum campaign.

How it will be delivered

I plan to ABSTAIN from delivering the petition.




2016-06-20 17:58:03 +0100

10 signatures reached

2016-06-18 21:05:52 +0100

#DavidCameron to #CallOff his #Murderous #EUreferendum or

We #AbstainFromThe2016EuReferendum

2016-06-17 15:03:42 +0100

#AbstaOUT or #AbstaIN?


#EUref #EUreferendum #23June2016

2016-06-12 22:32:47 +0100

#38Degrees petition #AbstainFromThe2016EuReferendum: We're #NotPlaying #DavidCameron's #SillyGame

2016-06-07 14:45:43 +0100

Vote #A_F_T_E_R #23June2016


#EUref #AdoptAPrincipledStrategy

2016-05-26 22:14:33 +0100

Three helpful suggestions for abstention:

1. Sign the 38 Degrees petition and abstain from voting in the 2016 EU Referendum;

2. Abstain from signing the petition and abstain from voting;

3. Abstain from signing and vote both 'Leave' & 'Remain'.

You can also join our Facebook page "Abstain from the 2016 EU Referendum" -

2016-05-25 10:52:52 +0100

#EUreferendum: #ThreeSuggestionsForAbstention #23June2016