• Save Triangle Wood bar our Local hub
    They are not opening the Triangle Wood bar this year, it is not due to a licence. I have been informed this is not a issue, it is down to the solicitors dealing with the will. This us not just a bar it is a community hub, for people to catch up, meet new friends and have somewhere they can go and not feel alone. Please sign this petition and help us to get the bar reopened.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce smith
  • Save Safeline's Survivor Helpline for male sexual abuse/violence due to gov cuts
    "Established in 1994, Safeline is a specialist charity that works to prevent sexual abuse and support those affected to cope and recover. Our Vision is that everyone affected by or at risk of sexual abuse should feel supported and empowered. We empower survivors to make choices about the lives they want" www.safeline.org.uk Safeline has two helplines. The National Male Survivor Helpline is telephone support dealing with sexual abuse or sexual violence to males. Without the £250,000 the helpline will close. The helpline will give meaningful support to thousands of males. It is a gateway to other services such as counselling and therapeutic services thus empowering people in a non judgemental and believing environment. 
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Davies Picture
    Whitehill Bordon is a regeneration town, designated an Eco Town around 2010 and also home to the MOD Bordon Garrison REME which announced its departure in 2013.  It sits in the North-East ‘corner’ of Hampshire, bordering Surrey & West Sussex.   The Chase Community Hospital (opened 1991) is a purpose-built healthcare facility standing in its own grounds with a car park, originally provided many healthcare services to Whitehill & Bordon and surrounding villages, with community beds for respite, care and rehabilitation, physiotherapy, x-ray department, a number of different clinics. In 2013 an NHS Charter declared a commitment ensuring a long-term sustainable future providing health services the people want to the Chase Hospital.   During years 2013 - 2018 we watched as services were withdrawn on a widely-acknowledged deliberate basis, (to date it is reported operating at only 25% of its original capacity) when we learnt that East Hampshire District Council responsible for the massive multimillion-pound regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon, including the Health Hub, announced the future closure of the Chase Community Hospital, causing real concern for us residents.  A 22,000/30,000 population is anticipated by 2030, to be supported by one existing GP practice only (Forest Surgery), to operate the new Health Hub.  The Chase Hospital would then close.   The 2013 NHS Charter had been reneged upon.  And we are told by EHDC we will have a “one-stop shop for local people’s primary health care needs…[just]… 0.7 miles away from Chase Community Hospital & Forest Surgery…”   There has been a long-standing distrust of the NHS Commissioning Care Group’s principles of care for the developing and growing community of the Whitehill & Bordon settlement since 2013, concern over the construction of the Health Hub in the new town centre and a growing scepticism over who is ultimately likely to benefit. The community also has severe doubts that our Integrated Care Board’s future-proofing of expansion space of 153 sq. m. can be correct.  In 2020 East Hampshire District Council predicted the area’s population is set to rise by 8,000 to 22,000 (likely to be conservative estimate), all needing access to health services - the majority registering with Forest Surgery in the new town centre’s Health Hub.   The proposed Health Hub planning application (19/06/24) states future-proofing to a “certain extent” to take into account a population increase in 4/5 years from it being operational, allowing current Forest Surgery patient numbers ONLY to increase from c.8,250 – 15/16,000, which would then move into the Health Hub. We do not believe the major changes by the Government to The National Planning Policy Framework (12/12/24) has been taken into account by the ICB in any of their plans in their most recent report, when concern over the Health Hub’s ability to provide adequate care to an increasing population already existed! Whitehill & Bordon is also a fairly isolated area cut off by a lack of an adequate transport system.  When in need of healthcare services no longer provided locally, it is very time-consuming, expensive and extremely difficult for carless and/or vulnerable residents to access alternative facilities without transport; they are locked in their immediate locality.  We ask the Secretary of State to intervene on the basis that facilities and infrastructure MUST come with additional housing and review whether retaining Chase Community Hospital is in the best interests of the residents of Whitehill & Bordon and surrounding area. The Chase Hospital is already there with space plus room for further expansion, ready and waiting! The Health Hub building of 2 floors contained under five and a half floors of flats and half a floor of roof garden above, along with flats and retail outlets each side. Health Hub area:  The 2-floor Health Hub total area is to be 2,922 sq.m. made up by an NHS-funded area 1,754 sq.m., we assume the 1,168 sq.m. difference is for private profit-making healthcare businesses. Chase Hospital area:  approximately 2,667 sq. m. plus Forest Surgery and its pharmacy 605 sq. m. totalling 3,272 sq. m.  (Sadly only 25% fully utilized!)  What a deplorable waste of money, healthcare facility and services by the NHS, ICB, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Property Services! We are now in 2025, some 10 years on from the Master Plan, and the Health Hub still isn’t built with no date in sight. The local Integrated Care Board is totally focused on the Health Hub and despite our ongoing Campaign including some of your own Government’s visions, it seems reluctant to listen to local people and is not using accurate data regarding patient numbers. Where is the logic or common sense in closing a desperately needed health facility when nearby towns that will be half the intended size of Whitehill & Bordon currently have thriving and/or expanding community hospitals that members of our community are referred to? It seems ironic that when the Chase first opened its doors the local population of Whitehill & Bordon was 4,661.  Now it is looking set to rise to circa 30,000 and authorities want to close it…! To support our Campaign further you can also go to our Facebook page entitled: -  YOU KNOW THE CHASE HOSPITAL MAKES SENSE
    1,022 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Page
  • Make Sanitary Items Free For Woman
    As it affects most of the woman’s daily life 
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Parmar
  • Save the Shuttle Bus
    This vital link between the two hospitals is used by patients, visitors and NHS staff alike. The loss of the shuttle bus would have an impact on everyone who currently uses it and could affect a persons ability to access treatment.
    15,431 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by matthew bromley
  • Petition to Improve Eye Care Access at Rooley Lane Opticians, by being allocated the MECS contract.
    "Support Local, Accessible Eye Care for All – Sign the Petition! Did you know that many patients in our area face challenges accessing urgent eye care due to limited local services? Rooley Lane Opticians at Asda is perfectly equipped to provide a Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS), which could deliver fast, effective care for common eye issues, such as: • Dry eyes causing discomfort or irritation. • Foreign objects in the eye requiring urgent removal. • Red or painful eyes caused by infections or inflammation. • Sudden vision changes, including flashes or floaters, that may need immediate attention. • Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or styes. • Irritation or allergies, including swollen, itchy, or watery eyes. • Minor injuries to the eye or surrounding area. Currently, patients may have to wait for GP appointments, travel to distant hospitals, or face long delays for these treatable conditions. By granting Rooley Lane Opticians a MECS contract, we can ensure that people in our community receive timely care close to home—putting patients' health and convenience first. Your signature can make a difference! Help us show decision-makers that we need local, accessible, and high-quality eye care. Let’s break down barriers to essential healthcare and improve the quality of life for our community. Sign today to support a MECS contract for Rooley Lane Opticians!"
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Haseeb Patel
  • Save Goole and District Hospital
    The future of Goole and District Hospital could be under threat. The local NHS trust has "started work to look at future potential opportunities" and staff were informed last week that several wards have been earmarked for closure in the new year. Gooles population is vast and growing. The closure of the hospital will be detrimental to patients, especially to the elderly who will find it much harder to access the care and treatment they need. The Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust has said no decision has been made over the potential closure of wards which is why we need to let them know exactly what the public thinks about such plans. Sign the petition now!  
    10,557 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Mallinson
  • Repair Stepping Hill Hospital Now!
    After learning that the bill for repairs to Stepping Hill has risen from £89m in 2021to the current figure of £130m the government has made a U turn and say that it cannot commit to the funding of the repairs at this stage.  We believe that the current state of disrepair of our hospital prevents patients receiving the care they need, makes it difficult for staff to provide high standards of care and will lead to even longer waiting lists. After declaring that the NHS was broken the Labour government announced that they would fix it.  In July this year, they confirmed that money would be available to repair Stepping Hill Hospital after a catalogue of problems were identified including:   ·         Buildings being unsafe for Staff and Patients ·         Closure and demolition of Outpatients B due to deterioration of the structure of the building. Relocation of departments in the hospital and reduction of outpatient appointments. ·         Ceiling collapse in the radiology department  (4h March 2024) due to leaks causing the cancellation of appointments. ·         Ceiling collapse in critical care unit causing the evacuation of seriously ill patients to operating theatres in the hospital and to another hospital   According to the Guardian Newspaper (17/10/24)’ Stepping Hill Hospital lost 2.918 hours of clinical time (worth approx. £581 000) because of recurring structural issues – the most of any hospital site’ Another Guardian article (30/12/24) again featured Steppping Hill as hospital in state of disrepair. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/dec/30/england-rundown-hospitals-are-outright-dangerous-say-nhs-chiefs?   The previous Conservative government promised 40 new hospitals by the 2030s. Stockport Foundation Trust who run the hospital and Stockport Council applied for funding to build a new hospital, but the request was rejected.  An extension to emergency care is ongoing, but this is not enough. We need and demand the urgent repairs to our hospital now.
    406 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Hind
  • Support Our Social Prescribers: Protect Frontline Preventative Care.
    Social Prescribers have been at the heart of our community, helping individuals navigate challenges such as mental health struggles, elderly isolation, homelessness, and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. They connect people to vital resources, including food banks and employment support, all while strengthening community bonds. According to The BMJ, evaluating Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) too early risks overlooking their full potential. They recommend extending the evaluation period by at least two more years to conduct a thorough review of their impact. Let’s ensure these dedicated professionals can continue their essential work. Sign now to save this vital service!
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Turner
  • Meltham Greenway Extension
    Almost 17yrs ago residents of Netherton, Meltham, and South Crosland were promised a Greenway, that connects Meltham to Netherton and South Crosland and beyond.   We, the undersigned, are calling for the extension of the Meltham Greenway woodland cycle path and walk way, following the historic Meltham Branch Line. This extension will provide numerous benefits to our community, including:   1. Enhanced Connectivity: Extending the Greenway will connect the three communities and improve the feeling of unity, making it easier for neighbourhoods and residents, including those who use wheelchair users or mobility scooters, to enjoy the natural beauty of our area. 2. Environmental Benefits: Promoting cycling and walking reduces the number of short car journeys and reduces our carbon footprint and reduces noise pollution, contributing to a healthier environment. 3. Health and Wellbeing: Providing a safe, accessible, scenic route for walking, horse riding, running and cycling encourages physical activity, improving the health and wellbeing, including mental health, of our community members. 4. Historical Preservation: Following the Meltham Branch Line preserves our local heritage, allowing residents and tourists to appreciate the historical significance of the area.   Kirklees Council has not begun construction despite receiving funding from several local construction projects. Kirklees Council have failed to respond to queries regarding funding and progress updates.
    3,125 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Christian Brook
  • We Urgently Call for Investment in Contraception Innovation in the U.K.
      Contraception empowers people to manage their reproductive health and make choices that shape their futures. options are still limited to different delivery mechanisms for mostly the same set of hormones. This leaves many people without real choice.   It’s time the U.K. leads the way in revolutionising reproductive healthcare by investing in innovative contraceptive solutions for all. That investment would be a net saving for the Government: Over 10 years, there is a £9.00 saving for every £1 invested in publicly provided contraception.3   Investing in contraceptive innovation is about more than saving money. It’s about expanding choice, improving public health, reducing unintended pregnancies, supporting reproductive rights, and creating greater gender equality.  Why Contraceptive Innovation is Urgent:  1. Outdated Contraceptive Methods Are Leading Many to Turn Away from Contraception Altogether: Many of today’s widely used contraceptives, including hormonal pills, IUDs, and condoms, have seen little advancement in over half a century. While effective for some, they do not address the needs of everyone. Many women experience serious side effects from hormonal options, and for those who can't use these methods, options are limited. It’s time to make way for better choices for all.  2. A New Frontier in Fertility Control – Contragestives – Is on the Horizon: Contragestives are a new type of fertility control that can prevent pregnancy before or after fertilisation. They are distinct from traditional contraceptives and emergency contraceptives, and offer a non-invasive, non-hormonal contraceptive option. However, regulatory challenges and a lack of funding are delaying their availability, despite their potential to significantly reduce unintended pregnancies.  3. It’s Time for Gender Equality in Contraceptive Responsibility: The burden of contraceptive responsibility overwhelmingly falls on women, with women bearing both the side effects and costs. Meanwhile, male contraceptives have barely evolved. It’s either condoms or vasectomy. Studies show both women and men want more options so they can share contraceptive responsibilities fairly. And male contraceptive pills, gels and injections are showing great promise – they just require more investment to reach the market.    Sign this petition to show your support for a future where everyone can have access to the contraception they need!  This petition is addressed to The Rt Hon. Wes Streeting MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, and aims to reach all those who believe in reproductive rights, innovation, and gender equality in healthcare. 
    643 of 800 Signatures
    Created by British Pregnancy Advisory Service
  • Mental Health Sufferers Should Not Have To Contribute From Their PIP For Their Care!
    Mental Health Sufferers should not have to contribute from their PIP or universal credit for their care.  Those with mental health issues are being failed by the current system, as they can not afford to contribute towards much needed care, such as carers and enablers, they are being left behind, with little or no chance of getting back into society, and contributing to our society in the future! 
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Jenkins