To: Parliament

Additional holiday to thank convenience store workers

Pass an Act to reward an additional days statutory holiday entitlement to convenience store workers and all key workers as defined by the Coronavirus Act 2020

Why is this important?

During this pandemic convenience store workers have been at the heart of the community from before the sun rises until long after everyone is in bed to ensure that everyone in the community is not just fed but able to utilise basic services such as bill payments and cash withdrawals. They are often the invisible servants of the community who are always there to set you on your way in the morning or be there if your missing an item for your evening leisure time. You may run out of gas at 9pm but you'll be warm through the night as they can top up your meter. It's not just convenience store workers, the Act should cover all defined key workers, those who keep transport running, drivers, mechanics, engineers, communications, NHS workers, refuse collectors, post office workers, delivery drivers, those at electric and water companies, dentists any role defined as a key worker (I'm writing this up fast whilst looking after a newborn so forgive me for not mentioning other key workers, you are all hero's) one extra days holiday entitlement every year is a very small way to say thank you to all the courageous souls on the front line. Thanks for supporting, God bless you.