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To: Medway Council Planning Department

Against Development at Otterham Quay Lane

Reject the planning application submitted by Gladman Developments to build up to 200 houses on land north of Moor Street, Rainham, Kent i.e. in Otterham Quay Lane.

Why is this important?

More than 500 houses are currently proposed for land east of Otterham Quay Lane in Rainham, Kent, including the 200 proposed in this application. The land is not designated for residential use and the infrastructure is not in place to cope with the demands of additional housing, residents and traffic. As well as signing this petition you need to object to this application by writing to Medway Council, quoting the planning reference - MC/14/3784 - and explaining to them why this is not a viable development for the people who already live here and the people that Gladman would like to see joining us.

Send your letters to The Planning Service, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR – make sure your letter is headed up with the reference MC/14/3784

Or email [email protected] including the reference MC/14/3784 in the subject box.
Rainham, Gilingham, Kent

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2015-08-06 08:46:12 +0100

Gladman have however submitted a completely new application for the same site, for 190 houses. The application is with Medway Council under reference MC/15/2731 and you have until 19 August 2015 to comment. The new application is essentially the old application with 10 less houses but with the application paperwork addressing some of the issues raised in the earlier consultation period. It is however a new application and your previous comments will not count - you need to comment again to have your say. We have been previously advised that, as the developers have to evidence that the proposal is sustainable, comments should focus on reasons why this is not the case. Head to this website for all of the information:

2015-08-06 08:40:35 +0100

Persimmon have submitted an amendment to their initial application under reference MC/15/0761 addressing some of the issues raised in the initial consultation period by both the Planning Committee and consultees. You should review the amendments and consider commenting again if you feel that the amendments do not deal with your earlier concerns.

2015-04-01 07:30:52 +0100

The Persimmon application for a further 300 homes has now been submitted to Medway Council and is available for comment under reference MC/15/0761 - addresses as above. Keep in touch on facebook at

2015-03-05 22:14:54 +0000

If your objection to this development proposal is based on fears of the impact of additional housing on the traffic along the A2 between Sittingbourne and Medway, you should probably also be aware of a second application by the same company, Gladman Developments, for a site just on the Rainham side of Newington, for 300 houses. Their petition is at - I've signed ... will you?

2015-03-05 22:10:53 +0000

Just been to the Upchurch Parish Council meeting and heard the draft of the letter of consultation that they are proposing to submit. Thank you to Upchurch Parish Council for your support

2015-03-03 18:02:34 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-03 08:31:10 +0000

I went out delivering leaflets yesterday and spoke to one or two people on their doorsteps - one lady thought that she had already put in her objections but what she had actually done was to respond to the consultation put out last year by Persimmon Homes about the potential second development on Otterham Quay Lane. Unless you have written to or emailed Medway Council then your comments will not have been officially noted. Please resend your letter of email to the addresses above to make your voice heard.

2015-03-01 20:49:48 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-01 19:54:18 +0000

I need to stress that this petition is about the proposed 200 houses in the Gladman application - a further 300 are expected to be included in an application to come at a later date from a company called Persimmon Homes. If we can defeat the Gladman application, then the Persimmon application hopefully starts on a back foot - so you need to be aware of the two but you can only object to the Gladman application at the moment

2015-03-01 16:52:33 +0000

As of now, there are 150 comments on the Medway Council website from members of the public. I believe that there are 149 objections and 1 neutral submission. We need more.. I'm hoping that there will be more on Monday morning when the planning department get to process all of the emails that you have been sending over the weekend and on Tuesday and Wednesday when all of your letters thud onto their doormat!! If you haven't written or emailed yet, please do so as we need your comments to be included in the planning officer's report: he will start to write this, we understand on 9 March 2015. So write your letters and ask your friends, family and neighbours to write theirs too. Thank you

2015-03-01 13:15:02 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-02-27 21:50:46 +0000

10 signatures reached