• Build a school crossing on Comer Road
    Traffic is so busy at rush hours and so fast. There are lots of very young children crossing with parents every day and also older children on their own. It needs to be made safer before an accident happens.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Russell Hancock
  • Fair parking rights for the residents and businesses of Church Street, Inverness
    Our businesses and homes are at the mercy of the Highland Council. Even when we can find people who carry our necessary work, they are unwilling to do so due to the unbending policies of the parking enforcement. Personally, this means that the leak in my shower cannot be addressed. Water is directly on two of the supporting beams on for my first floor which are more and more likely to suffer irrepealable damage as time passes. As the council will not agree to let someone be near their work van, I cannot find anyone to repair the damage to my home before the issue gets worse. I'm certain others can share their own plights and I would like to share their stories.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adamo Faccenda
  • Save Penarth's Gym!
    Our mental health and physical fitness relies on this gym. It's an integral part of our daily life, our routine and our happiness. It's more than a gym, it's a community. Rydym ni, yr aelodau a chefnogwyr AnytimeFitness Penarth wedi arwyddo’r isod, gan ein bod yn poeni’n arw gyda’r syniad o gau ein gampfa, a’r cynnig o newid defnydd y gampfa i fangre manwerthu. Mae’r newyddion bod efallai Majestic Wines yn mynd i gymryd y brydles drosodd yn achosi gofid mawr ymhlith ein cymuned, ac rydym yn gofyn i chi feddwl am yr effaith y byddai hyn yn cael ar ein tref a’n cymuned. Nid dim ond gampfa yw Anytime Fitness Penarth. Mae’n fangre diogel gyda chymuned llewyrchus i’w aelodau. Tu hwnt i’r sesiynau corfforol, mae’n fangre lle mae’r cymuned yn cael cefnogaeth, ac yn teimlo eu bod yn perthyn. Mae yna cysylltaidau ystyrlon sy’n creu cymuned sydd yn trosgynnu’r profiadau arferol o fod mewn gampfa. Mae’r aelodau yn dibynnu ar y gampfa am fwy na dim ond y ffitrwydd corfforol. Mae’n le hanfodol am eu lles meddyliol ac emosiynnol. Mae’r awyrgylch yn un croesawgar a gyda ffrindiau a wnaed trwy waith y staff a phresenoldeb yr aelodau, mae Anytime Fitness Penarth yn adnodd anhepgor i rai sydd yn edrych i wella pob agwedd o’u hiechyd. Byddai cau y gampfa a chwalu’r gymuned yma yn effeithio’n fawr ar fywydau’r aelodau. Mae Anytime Fintess Penarth yn wahanol i gampfeudd traddodiadol. Yn wreiddiol pan gaeth yr adeilad caniatad cynllunio, roedd dan y dealldwriaeth y byddai’r gampfa yn gwella lles y gymuned. Byddai caniatau’r newid o’r defnydd i fangre manwerthu yn mynd yn erbyn y pwrpas cynllunio gwreiddiol, ond hefyd yn bygwth bywoliaethau’r staff sydd wedi cyfrannu’n sylweddol at les ein cymuned arbennig. Mae yna Majestic Wines yn barod dim ond i chi yrru 6 munud lawr y ffordd o Anytime Fitness Penarth. Byddai caniatau ail siop mor agos i’r llall yn bygwth siop gwin annibynol The Bottle Siop, ac hefyd nifer o archfarchnadau sydd yn cynnig gwin ac alcohol yn barod. Mae gampfeudd, ar y llaw arall, yn brynn, a’u heffaith bositif ar iechyd yn hanfodol. Rydym hefyd yn credu bod rhoi siop gwin mewn lle y gampfa yn mynd yn erbyn y Ddeddf Lles y Dyfodol, y mae’r Cyngor wedi ei rwymo’n gyfreithiol i. Mae’r gampfa gyda bron 1000 o aelodau, yn le diogel i bob math o bobl o’r gymuned. Mae’r dosbarthiadau ar agor i bobl sydd ddim yn aelodau, fel bod modd iddynt gael y cyfle i ymuno, ac mae’n dod a phobl gyda’i gilydd i ymarfer eu cyrff. Mae’r staff annogol yn Anytime Fitness wedi creu awyrgylch croesawgar, a chefnogol, ac hefyd yn rhan hanfodol o greu’r gymuned. Mae’r dewis o ddosbarthiadau sydd ar gael yn helpu iechyd meddwl yr aelodau a’r rhai sydd yn dod i’r gampfa sydd ddim yn aelodau hefyd, Rydym yn credu’n gryf bod y gampfa, gyda’i effaith bositif ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol, yn ased gwerthfawr i’n cymuned. Un yn fwy na siop gwin. Dylai iechyd preswylwyr Penarth fod yn fwy bwysig nac ystryriaethau ariannol. Mae’r gampfa yn maethu ffordd o fyw sy’n fwy iach, ac mae’r bygythiad o gau’r gampfa yn fygythiad i les ein cymuned. Rydym yn gofyn i chi i ailystyried y cais i newid defnydd y fangre o gampfa i fangre manwerthu, a’r effaith y bydd yn cael ar iechyd, bywoliaeth a chymuned yma ym Mhenarth. Mae cadw ac amddiffyn Anytime Fitness yn cadw ac yn amddiffyn ein lles.
    908 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann Davis
  • Stop the building of houses on the Lido grounds.
    Our infrastructure on Newlands and Clipstone are stretched to the limit.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sid Walker
  • Decolonise Wembley
    Because we want to build a post-colonial London
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nabil Al-Kinani
  • Support Nings Thai Kitchen planning application
    Ning has been trading for over 2 years on the original advice from the council. After successfully starting business from scratch and creating 5 seasonal part time jobs we have been informed that because the mobile units are there all the time then we need planning permission. This was brought to the attention of the council by a biased query placed by certain Blisworth Parish Council members acting in their own interests only our business in the village was singled out!...mmmmmm. Ning has created something in the village of Blisworth that is unique and so obviously needed as she is fully booked most weekends in the summer, she has created 5 seasonal part time jobs which are mostly for young people in the village who are attending college or university. As a business we welcome anyone and is very family friendly with a great atmosphere Ning provides the only eating establishment in the village as the local village pub no longer does food. She has over 1500 followers on Facebook and thousands of hits on her google search as she is one of only 3 Thai restaurants in Northampton. There has never been any trouble and people who come here fell safe and are happy to bring children of all ages to play with each other on the trampoline and slide etc. Ning feels that that her business is now a real asset to the village of Blisworth and in Northampton as a whole as most people who come are from Blisworth and the surrounding villages, although people come from as a far away as Daventry and wellingborough. So we are asking for your support to show Blisworth Parish Council and Northampton Council that Ning should be allowed to carry on providing a well supported restaurant and be allowed to grow as a business hopefully providing more jobs and a better service as time goes on. Thank you Ning and Jay x
    891 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jason Clarke
  • Prevent accidents , B3092 Milton on Stour : Introduce a speed limit
    Many people from the village , and those that use the road, have expressed their concerns and fear of meeting an HGV travelling at speed ,often over the centre line , coming towards them. One of the three recent speed related accidents concerns a lady driving from Gillingham to Mere in her husband's large car. The lady was confronted by an articulated lorry that was in the process of 'jack knifing ' (when the trailer over takes the drivers cab.) The side of the trailer struck and crushed the front of the car. The lady suffered shock and bruising. Had she been driving her own sports car the result would , in all probability ,have had a different out come as her sports car would have gone under trailer.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Bartlett
    This land is extremely important in terms of making up part of the sporting pitch provision and the green space of Widnes. We believe that it must remain so. This land is designated as sporting/recreational Green Space in Halton Borough Council's Local Plan, as such any permission to build a housing estate on it should be refused. We have lost many of our green areas to housing development due to government planning laws. Housing development of this land would have a hugely detrimental impact on people living in Hough Green and the surrounding area. We urge Miller Homes to consider the local community and reconsider their intentions to submit a planning application for housing development on much needed green space. We would urge Halton Borough Council to do everything in their power to stop any part of this designated sporting/recreational/green space land being developed into yet another housing estate, should Miller Homes submit an application. Hough Green Ward Councillors Cllr Sandra Baker Cllr Kevan Wainwright Cllr Phil Harris Highfield Ward Councillors Cllr Andrea Wall Cllr Paul Nolan Cllr Bob Gilligan
    1,585 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevan Wainwright Picture
  • Don't take away half the resident parking on St Paul's Road - we can object until 24th July
    People can't just sell their cars if there's suddenly less parking. It's important to push for permit holder bays if you don't want to fight over parking spaces, have to take other people's spots on a different road, and have to move your car about multiple times a day to avoid restrictions / tickets. Reserving 9 parking spaces for school visitors / 3hr slots takes parking away from residents who don't have reserved parking.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Preston
  • Stop the Lydden Road development
    Lydden Road has been the location for light industry since the early 20th century. And the redevelopment of local light industrial sites is inevitable. But Earlsfield is a highly populated residential area that continues to grow: there are new residential developments in progress next to the same site! Allowing round-the-clock HGV delivery access, along with the intense outbound delivery traffic that will result from this development, will have a significant impact on this area. Building an 11 meter high warehouse (more than twice the height of the current building - and higher than a two storey house) so close to family homes, is not acceptable to residents on the surrounding streets. We ask the developer to consider and design a compromise which meets the needs of the site, their business plan, AND local residents. We request that the Wandsworth Council planning committee recognise the needs and desires of their residents and withhold approval until this compromise has been reached.
    515 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nick Robinson
    WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT TO EDGWARE RESIDENTS AND VISITORS: Why Edgware? Edgware has been chosen by Barnet Council for the vast bulk of the Mayor’s requirement for new residential development in Barnet Borough, allowing towns like Finchley, Golders Green, Hendon and Barnet itself with nothing like as onerous targets. Flats The majority of the redevelopment of Edgware Town Centre will be concentrated in new residential towers. A total of 19 or 20 new towers are proposed including those of up to 29 floors, with most being between 20 and 25 floors, and even the lower buildings are proposed at up to 14 floors. The proposal is for about 3,800 new units (including 460 student units) and this could be expected to house 7,000 people ( Ballymore’s estimate that we think unlikely) to 12,500 people ( suggested by Barnet Councillor Lucy Wakeley and not denied by Ballymore) to maybe even 15,000 people. To put this in context, this will more than double the number of people that live within reasonable walking distance of Edgware Town Centre and hence double the demand for doctor’s surgeries, school places, dentists, etc. etc. Precious little in the form of this essential Town infrastructure is being proposed to be provided, which can only have a hugely damaging effect on the availability of these essential services to existing residents. Parking The land which is to be redeveloped presently provides 1035 car parking spaces, including a 275-space dedicated commuter car park for those that drive to Edgware tube to continue their journey into Town on the Northern line, and also of course the priceless facility for those who need or want to drive into Edgware Town Centre for its current shops and facilities. Again, this is to be almost entirely swept away and replaced, we are told, by a total of 764 spaces, of which 250 spaces will be servicing Sainsburys (in itself, probably insufficient for a full-size food superstore) AND the remaining replacement shops and cafés in the Town Centre (if they are ever built). The other 514 spaces would be in a substantially less convenient Multi-Storey car park. Now we are told that it is currently a matter of negotiation with Barnet Council and other bodies as to the allocation of the remaining 514 spaces between the competing demands of the new residents, the daily commuters and existing local residents who want or need to drive to their Town Centre. The developers argue that because it is a Town Centre development almost none of the new residents will want or need a car, or even a visitors’ space, but even if that were substantially true, and a car was used by only one person per 10 flats, this will still imply 340 residents’ spaces (including about 100 spaces deemed necessary for disabled blue-badge-holders), taking up almost all of the meagre replacement parking leaving just 175 spaces for the commuters (in itself a reduction of 35% of the numbers they presently have) and nothing at all for local residents driving to the Town Centre, and so, predictably, are therefore very likely to be denied access to the new Multi-Storey car park. Timing Because of the huge scale of the proposed development, it is estimated that this development could take TEN YEARS to complete. Imagine that – 10 years of disruption, diversions, mess and misery swamping our Town Centre. How many residents wouldn’t be able to face this and prefer to move somewhere else – that is if they could find someone willing to buy their house and put up with all this! Summary If Barnet Council decide to grant planning permission for this development proposal, which is at a density far in excess of what they have already permitted in Colindale in recent years, and it does indeed go ahead, the suburban character of Central Edgware will be lost forever, and instead replaced with a mini-Manhattan, no doubt at great profit to the developers, but at huge cost to the standard of living of local residents. Action What can be done about this then? Sign this petition below! We need Barnet Council and the Mayor for London to be convinced that these proposals are in fact a gross overdevelopment, totally out of keeping with the character of Edgware and the maximum they should permit here is a development of about a quarter of this density, whilst insisting that the shopping facilities are replaced, that there is more parking, and provision of the necessary supporting infrastructure including schools, doctor’s surgeries, etc. and with buildings considerably lower than those proposed. If we can get enough signatures on this petition, then hopefully it will become clear to Barnet Council and the Mayor of London that the local-residents despise what is proposed and if The Council still chooses to ride roughshod over local residents’ wishes, then they will see the results at the ballot box at the next election.
    5,974 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Anuta Zack
  • No Digital Billboard on Westgate Otley
    1. The proposed billboard is in the Otley Conservation Area (1) and thus completely out of character. According to Leeds City Council Planning Department “[conservation areas] are designated by the council, and protect the character and appearance of a whole area, not just its buildings.” “Stricter rules apply in conservation areas regarding the type and size of advertisements that can be erected…” (2) 2. The billboard will be situated in a place where numerous roads, drives and car parks adjoin the main road. This increases the likelihood of an accident caused by a distracted driver. The evidence suggests that digital billboards are more dangerous than standard paper ones (3). 3. They will be opposite a number of houses and flats, the residents of which have a right not to have their nights disrupted by the light generated by this installation. 4. The roads are a common, publicly-owned space that citizens (children, especially) should be free to walk, cycle or drive along without being bombarded by advertisements. 5. Otley Town Council, Leeds City Council, and the British government have all declared climate emergencies. A year of operation for one billboard may use as much energy as 37 UK homes (4). This doesn’t take into account the embedded carbon or materials, particularly rare-earth metals, that go into the construction of the billboards. 6. One of these billboards has recently been installed on Piper Lane in Otley, opposite housing, on a dangerous stretch of road, near a school. Local residents were rightfully furious about this. Sadly their campaign to have it removed fell on deaf ears. The reaction from residents to a further billboard on is likely to be similar. 7. Impact on wildlife - most birds migrate at night and can be drawn off course by artificial light. Artificial light may also alter songbird mating patterns - causing males to sing at different times and attracting females to perhaps poorer quality mates (5). Otley Town Council has also recently declared a Biodiversity Emergency and commissioned a Biodiversity Audit, this development would fly in the face of that declaration. 8. Leeds City Council has recently gone to great efforts to change most street lamps in Otley to LED bulbs. One of the key benefits of this is reduced light pollution. This effort will all be for nothing in the areas close to the proposed billboards. 9. Has a proper visual impact assessment been carried out? When active, these structures are visible from a great distance. 10. Precedent - a similar application has recently been rejected in Bristol on the following grounds: “The proposed advertisement, by virtue of its excessive size, illuminated nature and overall design, siting and appearance would represent a prominent and incongruous, poor quality, visually intrusive addition to the townscape which will detrimentally impact upon the character and appearance of streetscene and surrounding area.” (6) 11. There is nothing in the planning application asking the applicant to declare their environmental credentials, or the source of the materials that will be used to create the billboard. Given what we know about forced labour and the unethical sourcing of materials for electrical components, establishing the ethical procurement policies across the city is essential. 12. The applicant does highlight the environmentally destructive nature of traditional paper and paste biillboards (7). This is not an argument for replacing them with something else damaging to the environment, but a clear sign that their business is completely unsustainable and incompatible with the climate and biodiversity crises we face. References: https://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/otley%20ca%20no_4.pdf https://www.leeds.gov.uk/planning/conservation-protection-and-heritage/conservation-area https://adblockleeds.co.uk/2021/09/16/are-digital-billboards... https://wellbeingeconomy.org/the-environmental-impacts-of-co... https://www.darksky.org/light-pollution/wildlife/ https://adfreecities.org.uk/digital-billboard-application-receives-over-200-objections-from-local-residents/ https://www.wildstone.co.uk/corporate-social-responsibility
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Howarth