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To: UK government

air traffic bans should include private jets

Refuse permission for private jets to land at or leave from UK airports

Why is this important?

It is now widely accepted that the spread of corona virus is exacerbated by people flying around the world and the government is currently considering a ban on such travel except where unavoidable. It seems the focus is on holidays but this ignores the large numbers of flights by those wealthy enough to afford their own private jet (or more). These are not subject to the same scrutiny as the commercial sector but represent a similar risk regarding transmission of viruses. In addition, a Lear jet carrying one passenger and cabin crew is not conducive with an effort to counteract global warming. To ignore this private sector is to suggest that, once more, there is one rule for ordinary people and another for the powerful and wealthy.



2022-08-02 15:35:39 +0100

10 signatures reached