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To: BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, ITV

Al Murray, Pub Landlord to appear on National Leaders' Debates

We, the undersigned petition directors of programming in all national UK broadcasters to include Al Murray, Pub Landlord, leader of the Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) is given the opportunity to represent his party's interests in the National Leader's Debates ahead of this years general election, alongside the other national party leaders.

We also note with disgust the amount of press coverage given to one particular right wing fringe party, to the exclusion of long standing national parties such as the Green Party.

Why is this important?

There is a public school educated parliamentary candidate who uses the persona of a xenophobic ale swilling buffoon to emulate an affinity with the "working man". Opposing this candidate in South Thanet, is Al Murray, pub landlord.

Yet Al Murray, and a number of other National party leaders who spend a lot less time in pubs, and a lot more time on politics, will not have the chance to prove himself against the three major parties, and, for some reason, Nigel Farage (also running in South Thanet).

Sign Now to grant Al Murray and other national party leaders their say in the leaders' debates.

The recently formed Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) seeks to oppose Nigel Farage's UKIP party in their leader's intended constituency. It would seem that someone informed the beer swilling funny-man that there's no point running against the Speaker, which is a seat traditionally uncontested.

Despite polling below flipper and other joke candidates, see: Nigel Farage and his party have been given far too much attention by the mainstream media in the UK. We think this should stop, and that the national media must ensure that national parties gain fair representation in national news.



2015-02-03 19:49:58 +0000

10 signatures reached