1,000 signatures reached
To: Home Secretary Priti Patel
Allow 83 Year old Chilean man to remain in the UK with his British daughter

UK Home Office: DO NOT deport 83-year-old Chilean man & allow him to be cared for by his British daughter at their home in Scotland.
The Home Office refused leave to remain to a 83-year-old Chilean man telling him to go back to Nigeria!! (Admin Negligence)
Home Office and Home Secretary, please show some respect & attention to applications that profoundly affect people’s life!
Myriam Giesen is a British Citizen, and she is fighting to keep her father in Scotland at home with her, where he belongs. Carlos Giesen is an 83-year-old man from Chile, he requires constant supervision and cannot live independently. He has not other family ties or support network in Chile that could take care of him. Myriam has provided enough evidence of income to the Home Office in their recent application on behalf of her father, which clearly shows that she can support him without
"recourse to public funds". Myriam is the only remaining family member that can look after Carlos!
Carlos has strong links to Glasgow stretching back more than 40 years, having resided here from 1975 to 1986 as a political refugee during the General Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. In 1983 Carlos married his late wife, Jean (British woman who died in 2015) and adopted their daughter Myriam. Carlos has traveled back and forth between Chile and Scotland. But at his age, some underlying health conditions have gotten worse. He is now unable to endure long haul flights and requires constant supervision. He would never be able to support himself alone!
In the refusal letter from the Home Office it states: “You should have prepared yourself for the possibility of return to Nigeria”. This clearly shows the inability by the Home Office to review a case by cases basis, NOT taking into consideration relevant evidence supporting Carlo's and other applications. Not even taking into consideration any length of time spent in the UK or even honoring Article 8: The Right To Family Life.
Four months ago the UK was shocked to hear a similar case where a Jamaican man was told by the Home Office "to go back to Iraq" in another "copy and paste refusal". Shameless!
Please, sign our petition to support the plight of Carlos and Myriam to the Home Office:
- Give Carlos leave to remain so he can be cared for by his British daughter during his elderly years.
-Consider Article 8: The right to family life.
-Review Carlos original application and take into consideration all evidence provided to support his case.
-Stop Copying and Pasting. These are not acceptable admin errors.
The Home Office refused leave to remain to a 83-year-old Chilean man telling him to go back to Nigeria!! (Admin Negligence)
Home Office and Home Secretary, please show some respect & attention to applications that profoundly affect people’s life!
Myriam Giesen is a British Citizen, and she is fighting to keep her father in Scotland at home with her, where he belongs. Carlos Giesen is an 83-year-old man from Chile, he requires constant supervision and cannot live independently. He has not other family ties or support network in Chile that could take care of him. Myriam has provided enough evidence of income to the Home Office in their recent application on behalf of her father, which clearly shows that she can support him without
"recourse to public funds". Myriam is the only remaining family member that can look after Carlos!
Carlos has strong links to Glasgow stretching back more than 40 years, having resided here from 1975 to 1986 as a political refugee during the General Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. In 1983 Carlos married his late wife, Jean (British woman who died in 2015) and adopted their daughter Myriam. Carlos has traveled back and forth between Chile and Scotland. But at his age, some underlying health conditions have gotten worse. He is now unable to endure long haul flights and requires constant supervision. He would never be able to support himself alone!
In the refusal letter from the Home Office it states: “You should have prepared yourself for the possibility of return to Nigeria”. This clearly shows the inability by the Home Office to review a case by cases basis, NOT taking into consideration relevant evidence supporting Carlo's and other applications. Not even taking into consideration any length of time spent in the UK or even honoring Article 8: The Right To Family Life.
Four months ago the UK was shocked to hear a similar case where a Jamaican man was told by the Home Office "to go back to Iraq" in another "copy and paste refusal". Shameless!
Please, sign our petition to support the plight of Carlos and Myriam to the Home Office:
- Give Carlos leave to remain so he can be cared for by his British daughter during his elderly years.
-Consider Article 8: The right to family life.
-Review Carlos original application and take into consideration all evidence provided to support his case.
-Stop Copying and Pasting. These are not acceptable admin errors.
Why is this important?
Its Important to support Carlos & his daughter Myriam in their plight to remain together in Scotland as a family.
Carlos needs his daughter since she is his main carer and he suffers with underlying health conditions, with no family ties in Chile that would be able to care for him in his elderly years.
Carlos will have no access to the public purse.
Deporting Carlos will be his death sentence.
The Scottish people supports Carlos and his daughter. He has been welcomed in the past as a political refugee. Carlos has been tortured enough in his life time!
The Home Office must learn to take into consideration relevant evidence supporting each application instead of "copying and pasting" refusals. NO MORE "One Glove Fits All" approach by Home Office.
Carlos needs his daughter since she is his main carer and he suffers with underlying health conditions, with no family ties in Chile that would be able to care for him in his elderly years.
Carlos will have no access to the public purse.
Deporting Carlos will be his death sentence.
The Scottish people supports Carlos and his daughter. He has been welcomed in the past as a political refugee. Carlos has been tortured enough in his life time!
The Home Office must learn to take into consideration relevant evidence supporting each application instead of "copying and pasting" refusals. NO MORE "One Glove Fits All" approach by Home Office.
How it will be delivered
We plan to show this as evidence at Mr Giensen's appeal appearance in front of the Home Office barristers if its necessary.