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To: The Home Office

Save the Windrush Generation - allow them to stay

17/4/18: We did it!

The voices of cross party MPs and the respectful but resolute demands of the Commonwealth Heads of State, together with personal stories in the press, finally all had an impact. The government apology and promised action were resoundingly good if tarred with shameful tardiness.

But implementation is all and we should ensure that an independent body takes on the role of monitoring progress, highlighting problems and ensuring a voice for the people directly affected. Only then, will justice be done.

Click here for more information:

Don’t deport “Windrush Generation” Commonwealth citizens who’ve made their lives in the UK. Keep your promise and allow them to stay in the UK.

Why is this important?

Thousands of people from Commonwealth countries, whose families were invited to live and work in the UK when our country needed them most, are now facing deportation. They’re entitled to citizenship - the problem is the evidence they need to provide is too difficult to gather.

These people have served this country as citizens, working in hospitals, in public transport and many other walks of life. They have been here since they were children. Their parents came here, often at the invitation of the government, to address staff shortages in vital areas of public services. Their children and grandchildren live here. This is their home. The UK has a debt to pay them and our government should not be treating them with such callous disregard for their welfare and such disrespect for what they have contributed to this country.

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2018-04-18 15:07:43 +0100

Petition is successful with 110,307 signatures

2018-04-16 23:32:47 +0100

100,000 signatures reached

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50,000 signatures reached

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20,000 signatures reached

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10,000 signatures reached

2018-04-15 10:35:14 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

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1,000 signatures reached

2018-04-13 14:37:04 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-04-13 14:18:52 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-13 14:16:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-12 18:58:09 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-03-25 13:31:59 +0100

10 signatures reached