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To: The governement of the day.

An in/out referendum on the E.U. in 2015

I like many millions of people want the future relationship between Britain and the E.U. to be decided by a free, fair and legally binding in/out referendum in 2015.

Why is this important?

Britain joined the Common market in 1973 on the premise that the country was joining a trade and customs union with no essential loss of sovereignty. This was done WITHOUT a popular vote from the people. The Wilson governemnt in 1975 did offer the people a say on the matter and in 1975 Britain narrowly voted to stay within the common market (still under the impression that Britain was staying within a trade and customs union).

Since that time the nature of the E.U. has changed dramatically via emerging new E.U. driven legislation and new treaties that have the slowly eroded the sovereignty of the UK Parliament and therefore democracy. No one under the age of 57 has ever been given a say on whether or not the UK should be subsumed by a foreign governmental structure (the E.U. in Brussels) a move that is close to occurring. If the British people are not given the opportunity to have a say on the matter then they will at a point (in not too distant future) be forced to accept that virtually every aspect of their lives will be governed by what is considered by many to be a remote, unelected group of Bureaucrats (the E.U. Commission) and a Brussels Parliament that is non legislative i.e it cannot propose legislation and can only rubber stamp what is placed before it (by the unelected E.U Commissioners).

This flies in the face of the democratic values known, understood and enjoyed by the British people since the time of Oliver Cromwell.

It has been clearly demonstrated by several highly respected think tanks that Britain would actually enjoy a significant economic boost by leaving behind the constraints of E.U. membership and this can be seen by following this link:

The U.K. independent of E.U rule can have a very full and productive part to play in Europe cooperating in many areas such as trade, defence and world development As a Island nation physically separated from Europe/E.U and with a proud tradition of democracy and independence many feel that we must maintain our right to conduct out own affairs and that being "hustled" into a "united states of Europe" is not in our national interest.

The question the British public need to ask themselves is "what is it that could be achieved by handing over the right democracy, self determination and national sovereignty that couldn't as easily be achieved by simple helpful cooperation and collaboration with our European neighbors whilst mainlining the absolute right to say NO when the circumstances call for it"?

Now is the time for the nation to have its say, NOTin 2017 when treaty changes (Lisbon) coming into force will make proposed re-negotiation and utlimatly leaving the E.U. (succession) legally difficult or likely even impossible.

Lets just for once let the people have a free, fair and legally binding say on the E.U as this is the most important question of our time and it needs to be answered freely and fairly one way or the other.



2014-07-13 14:26:01 +0100

10 signatures reached