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To: Theresa May. Home Secretary

Appoint a new person to head the enquiry into institutional abuse allegations now

Dear Minister: It is time to provide a shortlist of candidates to head the enquiry into historical abuse allegations and to investigate whether the establishment covered up allegations of child abuse and protected the abusers. Appoint a new person to head the enquiry into allegations that British public institutions failed to protect children from abuse, as a matter of urgency. This action is overdue

Why is this important?

This is an issue that must not be allowed to 'fall out of the news' again. The new head of the enquiry must be someone who has no perceived conflicts of interest and must be able to win the trust of alleged victims who are speaking out. You have promised MPs. that there is "a relentless commitment" to track down paedophiles and online child abusers. The public are not convinced that this is true.



2014-09-20 15:22:35 +0100

10 signatures reached