• Ban MPs from Holding External Directorships, Consultancies, and Receiving Non-Governmental Payments
    Impartiality and parity of decision and representation is a must. Honesty, integrity and upholding of the law is a prerequisite. Being held to account an essential and with real punishment attached, with that we also need reward, and Salaries should be commensurate with teh request for open honest and transparent source of income. 
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Alford
  • Compensate infected blood scandal victims now!
    The Infected Blood Inquiry has concluded that victims were betrayed over decades by politicians, and the medical profession. The blood scandal cover up saw thousands die, as patients were knowingly exposed to unacceptable risks of infection from contaminated blood, while children and adults were used as human guinea pigs, the report found. And it adds that slow government decision making, combined with a "doctor knows best" mindset meant guidance meant to stop unsafe practices came too late. The Government must not act slowly again in launching a proper compensation scheme. No more delays, no trying to kick it to the next government to deal with: set up a compensation scheme now.
    3,605 of 4,000 Signatures
  • Stop Delaying our Abortion Rights
    While politicians delay, our women suffer. Just this week a woman is standing trial for an alleged illegal abortion, with a possible sentence of up to life in prison - the harshest in the world. The last 2 years have seen record numbers of police investigations and prosecutions for suspected illegal abortion. Women are facing years-long police investigations, their properties searched, blood samples taken without consent, and getting arrested straight from the hospital ward. All for having an abortion, a form of healthcare. Our abortion rights are under attack. Dame Diana Johnson MP's amendment NC1 to the Criminal Justice Bill will decriminalise abortion for women. We deserve to live in a country where women can make the decision that is right for them, and this amendment is the first step. The Leader of the House will only set a date if there’s huge public pressure about the ridiculous delays to the vote. That’s why we need people like you to sign the petition so that MPs can do the right thing and vote to end prison time for women who have an abortion once and for all.
    10,444 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by BPAS
  • Make it illegal to drive off after hitting a cat
    After losing our beautiful mainecoon cat due to a careless driver, I was shocked to read that it is not a legal requirement for drivers to stop if they are to hit a cat whilst driving, this absolutely blows my mind - it is a legal requirement for drivers to stop for other animals such as dogs, horses, pigs etc but why should cats not be included within this law? They are just as loved as any other animal. The impact it has on a family having to deal with their pet being killed and left is unexplainable until it happens to you, the on going questioning and wondering in your mind. It makes it very hard to get closure and move forward and grieve as you rightly should. There are so many incidents of this happening - only takes a minute to look through social media and see how many people are upset/angry/devastated that someone has left their loved pet to die! Surely something has to change, people deserve to have answers just as they would if their pet was a dog and so on. Please sign if you agree cats deserve the same compassion as other 'working animals'. Cats are still loved and are still part of someone's family.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maria Jenkins
  • Call to investigate Donald J trumps uk businesses
    The integrity of our legal system and the well-being of our society depends on holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their status or wealth.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Johnston
  • Give Alan Bates and all other victims of the Horizon scandal the compensation they deserve
    Alan Bates, the former sub-postmaster who led the campaign for justice in the Post Office Horizon scandal was offered an “offensive and cruel” amount of compensation, a sixth of what he’s requested. So, he plans to reject it. Bates' campaigning inspired the recent “Mr Bates vs The Post Office” TV drama which told the story of sub-postmasters and postmistresses who were wrongly prosecuted due to faulty accounting software. He is one of thousands eligible for compensation from the Government. The Government, along with Fujitsu who created the Horizon software, will be hoping that public anger will have died down for this campaign. But, their latest act shows that we need to carry on the fight to help these innocent people get justice and compensation.
    135,531 of 200,000 Signatures
  • APA: Urgent Call for Inquiry and Transparency in the Arrest of Children by the Metropolitan Police.
    This petition is a pivotal step in addressing the deeply ingrained issues of racial profiling and the excessive use of force by the Metropolitan Police against Black children. It transcends the mere acknowledgement of systemic injustices; it is about protecting our community's future and ensuring equitable treatment for all children, irrespective of race. Your engagement in this initiative is essential. Together, we have the opportunity to strengthen our collective voice, advocating for transparency, accountability, and crucial reforms in police conduct. This movement is about forging a just and fair society, one where the rights and safety of all children are a priority. Moreover, this petition is critical in preventing the potential for civil unrest. The disproportionate targeting and mistreatment of black children by law enforcement not only erodes the fabric of our society but also risks sparking widespread discontent and disturbances. By standing united in this cause, we aim to achieve more than policy change; we strive to avert the societal strife that stems from such profound injustice. Joining this campaign is a step towards creating a city where the broken trust is rebuilt between the police and the communities they serve, and every child is valued and respected.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Jasper
  • Improve the conditions of police holding cells!
    Our research has shown that 74% of people think that police holding cells require improvement and 83% of people think that police holding cells should become more adapted for neurodivergent and/or young people. People who have stayed in holding cells have described them as "oppressive" "made me feel insignificant" "very minimal". This is not acceptable conditions for people who may not have committed a crime to stay in.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yasmin George
  • Sub-Post Office Victims Exoneration Plaques
    Reparations for major injustices are never only about compensation. They are also about public recognition of the harm inflicted and a permanent, public acknowledgement by the perpetrators of that harm, and a setting straight of the record. This would serve as a permanent and local reminder across the country of their innocence, their public duty and the scandalous way they were treated.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Syd Bolton
  • Make UK Orgs Resilient to Cybercrime
    Billions is lost to cybercriminals and scammers each year. Most of that loss is felt by the public who are regularly defrauded of their savings and robbed of their dignity and mental heath. Current legal and regulatory efforts to stem the scourge of cybercrime have been largely ineffective. Join us in convincing lawmakers that change is needed to reduce the huge number of victims of cybercrime and the anguish they suffer.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Hare-Brown
  • Paula Vennells Bonus
    Being given a bonus for betraying the Post Office workers is a crime, the money she received is like Judas.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Barham
  • Quash the bankruptcy of the sub postmasters and sub postmistresses
    Not just redress is needed but a clean and fresh start to their financial record
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Sinclair Proffitt