5,000 signatures reached
To: Nicola Sturgeon
Arrange a full complement of International Observers for the second indyref
Arrange a full complement of International Observers for the second indyref to ensure all rules are followed. Also ensure that postal votes are retained in Scotland for processing, and kept under strict observation. To help prevent tampering, an exit poll should also be carried out.
Why is this important?
There were a huge number of anomalies in the last independence referendum count, such as bags of Yes votes appearing by the bins, 15% missing turnout in Glasgow, An alarm going off 4 times removing everyone from the Dundee count, The Rest and Be Thankful Road being closed on the night of the referendum, the helicopter that was cancelled due to bad weather on a calm night, the counting hall that was too big for observers to be able to carry out their job and in breach of regulations, the instruction to Polling Stations not to seal voting boxes in breach of the regulations, the Tory party sampling postal votes, the counts where Unionist counters were used and Nationalist counters given nothing to do, the instruction to the BBC not to carry out an exit poll and numerous other indications that something fishy went on.
Postal vote stats indicating a turnout of 96% and majority No are not credible. It's important that these are carefully monitored to avoid fraudulent votes.
Postal vote stats indicating a turnout of 96% and majority No are not credible. It's important that these are carefully monitored to avoid fraudulent votes.