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To: Matt Hancock Secretary of State Health and Social Care

Autistic Adults especially ones diagnosed later in life need access to treatment and support

At the moment the service for autistic services are a postcode lottery and if you do have any its
geared towards lower functioning autistic people. I am a 39 year old mother of two, who works and is a trade union rep but I was diagnosed with autism in at the age of 38. There is no sevices or support for for Autistic adults for dianosed later in life no treatment or support for those newly disnosed especially ones seen as high functioning adults.
Proper access to support service and treatment
Proper support network and for high functionating adults
For GPs to have better training in Autism
To work with employers to make sure they have the knowledge support autistic people
To make all public services autistic friendly and make staff have suitable training including services essential to a full life education,travel and the welfare state

Why is this important?

Autistic people can be part of society and have a good life , work and family with the right support. Autistic people are being failed by the goverment and society as it is them that arent providing the services so they can thrive.

How it will be delivered

Matt Hancock Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

United Kingdom

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2019-11-22 12:37:54 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-10-10 21:09:29 +0100

10 signatures reached