End Predatory Parking Fines Tutor World, Hall Green, Birmingham.Imagine your elderly neighbor, who uses a cane, getting slapped with a £100 fine just for parking for 5 minutes after hours to grab a pint of milk—while disabled residents face the same unfair treatment, struggling to navigate their daily lives. Although legal—it’s heartless, and it’s driving a wedge between the tuition centre and our community, including families who’d normally send their kids there. Shockingly, Google reviews are already flooded with similar complaints, showing how much goodwill they’re losing. We need to stop these predatory practices because they’re not only alienating locals but also setting a dangerous precedent for private parking firms to exploit vulnerable people—join me to demand change and protect our community’s spirit!98 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohammed A
Stop cuts to Hampshire’s concessionary bus pass: Keep this lifeline for disabled and older peopleThese cuts will place more barriers in the way of disabled people trying to access work, volunteering, education, training, day centres, social occasions, and much more. The enhancements to the statutory minimum have been a lifeline for many disabled people, granting them much more independence and reducing their financial burden. Please remember that not all disabilities are visible or physical. The restrictions to the older person’s buss pass will also disproportionately affect those living in Hampshire’s most isolated communities that are already underserved by buses, and who are already struggling with the increasing cost of living. In the long-term, these cuts will act to worsen the mental health crisis affecting Hampshire's communities by increasing isolation and the financial strain on the most vulnerable people. This initiative is only saving £75,000 annually, which is a minimal saving in relation to the damaging social, health and environmental effects it will cause consequently. These changes prevent people in Hampshire from the right to 'live safe, healthy and independent lives', as per the county's strategic plan. We therefore call on Hampshire County Council to immediately stop these changes and maintain the enhancements to its Concessionary Travel Scheme.2,045 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Waterside Changemakers
Raise Your Voice: The Fight for Accessible Democracy Starts NowRaise Your Voice: Because Democracy Should Work for Everyone! Did you know that Disabled People make up 24% of the UK population, yet less than 2% of MPs are disabled? That means Parliament should have 12 times more Disabled MPs just to be truly representative. Is it any wonder that policies affecting Disabled People often miss the mark? The reality is, politics isn’t accessible. Many Disabled People can’t even get into the buildings where decisions are made, let alone run for office. And without fair representation, their needs are ignored. This isn’t just a disability issue—it’s a democracy issue. If one in four people in this country is disabled, why aren’t their voices shaping our laws?623 of 800 SignaturesCreated by George Baker
Government proposal to abolish PIP for disabled people with mental health conditionsThis is important because thousands, if not millions of people depend on this benefit to maintain themselves. The Modernizing Support Green Paper also proposes changes to the Work Capability Assessment that denies those with mobility or mental health issues extra Universal Credit.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alexander John Morrison
Carers allowance for pensionersThere must be thousands of pensioners who care for people who are now worse off when they need it most.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colin Gargate
Scrap the PIP reform proposalsThis is extremely important because the people of whom claim PIP rely on the benefit's cash income for everyday use. Including those who find it difficult to get around unfamiliar places independently, those who find it difficult to walk long distances without support, mental health problems (which in some cases is highly severe) and those with hidden disabilities who rely on the income to purchase items to help them with everyday life. If the benefit is reformed, it will impact a lot of disabled people and those with mental health problems who would lose their money for being unable to work due to either their disability or very severe mental health. This petition is to tell the work and pensions secretary to scrap the proposals to reform PIP because so many people rely on it and they need it to survive financially if they're to get anywhere in life. Charities such as Scope have grave concerns about the situation surrounding the proposals and they are very worried that those who are in desperate need of their financial support will lose out on vital benefits. The situation is very stressful and concerning for the families and claimants on PIP who could potentially have sleepless nights over the fact that their financial support through PIP would not be there for them if the proposals were to take place. Mental health problems could get worse and the proposals would have a very serious impact on those who are claiming PIP for various reasons wether it is mental health related or disability related. These people really need their income.404 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Victoria Austen
Brighton & Hove Council: SEND us a Break!Children and Young People and their Parents and Carers urgently need this provision to be in place and accessible to all before the summer holidays start at the end of July 2024 so that children and young people can engage in meaningful activities when they are not at school or college, so that parents and carers can work, and so that parents and carers can have a break from their caring role. Since the closure of Extratime in 2023, the local authority has failed to produce a plan of action to provide short breaks and holiday activities for all children with SEND, the little that has been offered is not suitable for those with complex needs who need 1:1 support. This is contrary to the local authority’s legal duties and leaves Children and Young People and their families in crisis and struggling to cope. Without having adequate provision in place many families will not cope with the summer holidays and without adequate provision to allow parents to work parents may lose their jobs and many families will be plunged into financial and family crisis. This is likely to cost the local authority more in the long term if families in crisis results in more emergency placements for children and young people being required.1,433 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Helen Irving
Increase SEN sessions, including during school holidaysAccording to the Family Resources Survey (2021 to 2022), 16 million people in the UK have a disability. 11%, or 1.76 million of these are children. SEN children deserve the same opportunities as all other children but face many barriers to achieving these. Why does my child not have the same Opportunities to play as his sister does?195 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Emily Oliver
Accessible cinema In Dumfries and GallowayIt would generate money for Dumfries and Galloway town and young people would have somewhere fun to go. The multiplex would allow people to spend money in the town and have a choice of different films to choose from. An accessible cinema would allow people with additional needs to not get exhausted from travelling62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tiffany Johnstone
Inclusion!I'm sick of not being able to see or hear my favourite artists and shows because I'm sat all the way at the back of the venue. And more often than not, there are no accessible areas anyway/they're all full because the venue only has 2-4 specific areas. I believe this should change.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Megan Jane Hierons
Scrap dangerous disability benefit reformsThe previous government announced changes to disability benefits which will deny vital support to over 400,000 people who become seriously ill or disabled from next year. People could also face sanctions if they do not comply with specific work-search expectations that could threaten their wellbeing. Working age disabled people are already almost twice as likely to be in poverty. And this gap will only widen if the changes are introduced. The new government has a real opportunity to turn the tide on disability benefit reform. But they are yet to commit to scrapping the changes. The reforms should be stopped in their tracks and a consultation held with disabled people to build a better system which provides the security and support we all need. Our social security system should be there for us all, especially when we need it most. Sign the petition today.14,568 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Evangeline Knapman
Playgrounds for allAll children have the right to access provisions whether that be swimming pools, sport halls, cinemas, in other words ALL public places. However, for those children living with a disability, especially those with a physical disability, many never get to experience playing in a playground. It is imperative for all children to develop and the only way that can happen, is by accessing different environments. For any child to experience the movement of a swing, the wind on their face, to feel the movement of a roundabout, or a sea-saw, then to see the joy on their faces. This doesn't happen for those children who are disabled. This petition is asking the Minister for the Disabled Tom Pursglove |MP to take action by enabling and legislating for all playgrounds in the country to be accessible so that children will no longer feel that they are being barred from such a facility, through no fault of their own.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carla Woods
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