100 signatures reached
To: Amber Valley Borough Council
AVBC needs a planning core strategy
This campaign has ended.

Amber Valley Borough Council has withdrawn its own planning core strategy days before an inspector was to examine it.
This is the second time it has failed to deliver this plan the first plan being suspended by the Planning Inspector.
The petition calls for the council not to abandon the residents of the borough and given the costs already incurred to the public purse, failures of the current leadership and the indifference of its leader for the council to find another leader who can deliver this.
This is the second time it has failed to deliver this plan the first plan being suspended by the Planning Inspector.
The petition calls for the council not to abandon the residents of the borough and given the costs already incurred to the public purse, failures of the current leadership and the indifference of its leader for the council to find another leader who can deliver this.
Why is this important?
The withdrawal of the councils own Planning Core Strategy puts the whole borough at risk of developers gaining their planning consent by appeal. The councils repeated failure to deliver a five year supply of sites for new homes means that the whole borough is at risk from developers.
The root causes of this has been incompetency and political inertia and a reluctance to identify sites across the borough which might be unpopular.
The root causes of this has been incompetency and political inertia and a reluctance to identify sites across the borough which might be unpopular.