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To: Pembrokeshire County Council

Ban Dogs on Manorbier Beach

Ban dogs from Manorbier beach in Pembrokeshire from the 1st May until 30th September.

Why is this important?

This is a very popular holiday destination beach and surf spot that is spoiled by dog mess.

There are plenty of waste disposal areas but it is clear that they are largely ignored.

There is always dog mess on the beach as well as discarded bags of dog mess in the hedges, the sand dunes and on the paths leading to and from the beach.

There are frequently bags of dog mess floating in the sea and near the shoreline from people bagging their mess and then burying it thinking it is sufficient disposal.

There is a considerable health risk by dog mess that has not been cleared up and removed and dog mess that has been picked up, bagged and then is dumped in the hedges on the way back to the car parks.

As a result this beach presents a serious health risk due to dog mess causing toxocariasis in humans. Toxocariasis causes serious illness and even blindness as a result of eggs in the faeces of infected animals that contaminates the surrounding sand and water. Toxocariasis usually affects children aged between one and four years, although cases of toxocariasis have been reported in people of all ages.

It is clear that during the summer months an attitude of "it's okay because it's not on our own doorstep" is prevalent!!!

Some Pembrokeshire beaches already have dog restrictions during the summer, Manorbier gets just as busy as any other beach in this area during the holiday season!!!

Manorbier Beach

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2022-03-07 17:20:29 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-04-25 20:13:54 +0100

10 signatures reached