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To: George Eustice MP

Ban Banging Fireworks - Animal Welfare- Please click the pic' and read on:

Banging Fireworks terrify many types of animals, often causing them injury and death.
Many vulnerable and elderly people also suffer badly from such repetitive banging.
Guide Dogs and those they serve are not immune.
Fireworks which create loud bangs must be brought under control as per other forward moving countries.

Why is this important?

Each year animals experience prolonged panic, injury and too often death here on our animal rescue site purely at the hands of those setting off banging fireworks without regard for the harm they cause.
This issue is prevalent across the country, an annual practice which can run from October into the New Year.
Banging fireworks are still legally sold in the uk unlike some other forward moving countries which aim to protect those badly affected and in doing so make a significant contribution to the progress of environmental refinement.
The misery which banging fireworks cause to animals, their owners, the elderly and vulnerable people is both unfair and unnecessary.
Fireworks should be made enjoyable for everyone.
No one should suffer because of fireworks.
We Must Ban The Bang.

Posenhall, Broseley TF12 5BE, UK

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