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To: Parliament

Ban the import, fishing, purchase and sale of Shark/Shark Fins in the UK.

Amend the laws, to prevent the slaughter of hundreds of species, once we lose the Apex predators, our ecosystems will crumble.

Why is this important?

According to many conservative estimates from multiple sources, 100,000,000 sharks are slaughtered for their fins every year. That’s roughly 274,000 sharks a day. That's nearly double the population of the UK - Dying every year. We need regulations now, to protect these species imperil.

Fishermen will hack the fins off living sharks and simply throw the rest of their bodies overboard, allowing them to bleed to death. Sinking fin-less, slowly to the bottom of the sea. Shark finning is a wasteful, barbaric practice, but it also has a devastating impact on our oceans. The use of these atrocious practices in the name of archaic traditions and cultures, must stop. How are we to grow as a species if we continue to act like our poorly educated predecessors. We have no excuse.
United Kingdom

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2019-07-29 23:11:24 +0100

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