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To: The Government

Ban TV advertising of exploitative companies

To strictly regulate the TV advertising of companies that loan money at usurious interest rates using mechanisms designed for innocent advertising purposes, and which do not clearly state terms such as interest rates in the advert with expected repayment examples, and advertising for on-line gambling 'casinos' which use similar methods of advertising to convey acceptability without consequences.

Why is this important?

These advertisements are aimed at sections of society who are in dire financial need, or there would be no demand, and it is not likely that obtaining a 'payday loan' at exorbitant interest rates or gambling on-line will be to the benefit of individuals, their families and ultimately society as a whole. It is not difficult to imagine the distress that will ensue repaying loans of over 1000% APR. as advertised on billboard information for the same companies. We believe that a civilised society would not only end this type of commercial exploitation swiftly, but would legislate immediatley to close these industries down, review why they have been allowed to operate for so long and publish details of the individuals who have been profiting by them and defending them to Government.

United Kingdom

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2020-08-19 03:12:14 +0100

10 signatures reached