• Scotland, join the mission to fix our economy
    Business-as-usual in our economy isn’t working. The cost of living is forcing many people to choose between heating or eating, we’re working harder than ever but for low pay, inequality is rampant and social security is failing too many people. At the heart of this is a broken economic system - we all work for our economy, but it doesn't often work for us. With a general election coming up, we need the next UK Government to ensure that the economic needs of the people of Scotland are front and centre. Social enterprises, community and employee owned businesses, cooperatives and similar enterprises put people and planet first. We need a new business plan for Britain: one where all of society profits. Let’s fix our economy and build a stronger, fairer, greener future for Scotland and for the rest of the UK.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Social Enterprise Scotland Picture
  • Join the mission to fix our economy!
    ‘Business as usual’ isn’t working. High streets are empty, councils are going bust, and our NHS is on its knees. Our trains are cancelled, our water is polluted, our bills can force us to choose between heating or eating – all while companies behind public services record huge profits. At the heart of this is a broken system. We all work for our economy, but does it work for all of us? With an election coming up, we need our next government to make a new business plan for Britain: one where all of society profits. Let’s fix our economy and build a stronger, fairer, greener future for the UK. We are asking all business and political leaders to support our mission statement: - "I support a stronger, fairer, greener UK economy – let’s unleash the power of mission-led business to help fix our future." Sign up and ask your elected official to support the mission statement too!
    550 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Future Economy Alliance
  • Stop the closures of Marks & Spencer stores
    If this shop is making a profit, why close such a flagship store, putting people out of work and seriously inconveniencing customers that use it? It isn’t always convenient for customers to visit the alternative stores in Birstall, Pudsey or Halifax, especially the older demographic.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne McManus
  • Significantly Increase central gov't funding for Dorset councils
    This is not just about money, it's about fairness, ensuring that everyone in Dorset has access to the resources they need to live healthy and happy lives.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michael plummer
  • Save cash in the UK, no to an entirely cashless society
    The UK is sleepwalking into becoming an entirely cashless society, some shops and venues already refuse to accept cash as a form of payment. Tapping your card, or using an app is incredibly convenient and helpful for many of us, but not everyone has easy access to smartphones and banking. A move to an entirely cashless society would exclude many people particularly older people or those without homes. Government and businesses should work together to ensure that cash is always accepted as a form of payment, to prevent a two tier society.
    15 of 100 Signatures
  • Don’t axe the bankers’ bonus cap
    Rishi Sunak has just approved Liz Truss’ move to lift the cap on bankers’ bonuses that she floated in her disastrous mini budget last year. At a time when so many of us are struggling with the cost of living crisis, why are wealthy people being given a helping hand? You can almost hear the champagne corks popping! The Government says lifting this cap will make London a more attractive place to do business. But it was put in place in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis - to make sure those in the financial industry don't take dangerous risks that could damage the economy for everyone. So if you agree that the Government should be helping ordinary people up and down the country - not some of the wealthiest - will you add your name to the petition today?
    62,660 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Fix the mortgage crisis
    Mortgages are going through the roof, interest rates are increasing and it’s harder than ever to get on the property ladder. The Government and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt need to fix the mortgage crisis that was started by Liz Truss' mini budget last September. A petition signed by hundreds of thousands of us across the UK could push them to treat the so-called “mortgage bomb” as an emergency and take urgent action to help us.
    6,711 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Biggest Tax Burden for Broadest Shoulders
    If the government does not redress the balance the journey to systematic collapse of government infrastructure will continue unabated. Education, Health, Social Care, The Police, The Legal System, The Councils (roads, bankruptcy) will continue on a downward spiral. The government promised austerity would fix this in 2008. It did! For the wealthiest individuals, keeping labour cheap and interest rates low for businesses. Though people will reference COVID as being the reason for our current circumstances, the issues are all due to long-term underfunding. The funding doesn't seem to be increasing any time soon. It is a race to the bottom, with rich people having less economic shackles whilst the poorest people are having to make choices about food and heat, having their cars damaged by poorly maintained roads, police that aren't fully trained because they are rushed through training, nurses who are overwhelmed by work and difficult home circumstances because of poor pay and teachers who are focused on being social workers because of a lack of support for families.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mychael Fergus-Quartey
  • Banks: Stop taking advantage of loyal customers
    Despite the Bank of England base rate increasing to 4.25%, most savings accounts have an interest rate of less than 1%. As most of the country struggles with the current cost of living crisis, banks should be sharing their profits with their loyal customers, instead of pocketing all the profits for themselves. But here's the thing - this issue is in the news right now, and banks have been put under the spotlight. MPs recently questioned them in Westminster, and now the FCA - the body who regulates banks - have said they'll consider intervening if the issue continues. So banks will be feeling the heat - but we need to ramp up the pressure. How? Well right now the voice of the public - their customers - is missing. A huge petition, signed by tens of thousands of us, could be the first step in sending a strong message to banks that we will not stand for this unfair practice. Together, we can turn up the heat and make sure banks prioritise customers over their own profits.
    82,766 of 100,000 Signatures
  • Stop excess bonuses
    Ordinary people are struggling across the board with the huge hikes in living costs, on top of frozen wages & incomes. Many are struggling to survive. Meanwhile the deep divide between the have and have not’s grows ever wider. How do those profiteering in these difficult times sleep at night.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Petrazzini
  • Abolish Non-Dom Status in the UK
    The LSE has researched that "non-domiciled residents in the UK (‘non-doms’) receive at least £10.9 billion in offshore income and capital gains each year, which they are not required to report to HMRC or pay tax on in the UK. Taxing this income would raise more than £3.2 billion in additional tax revenue each year and also remove the current disincentive to invest in the UK." The magic money might not exist but there is income that should be taxed and can help the crumbling public services in the UK.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amandeep Gill
  • Don’t increase bankers’ bonuses
    The Government should be focusing on providing support for ordinary people around the country - not city bankers. Millions of people up and down the country are struggling to make ends meet. As energy, food and fuel prices continue to go through the roof, many of us will be forced to make the impossible choice between heating and eating this winter. This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. Why should city bankers be first in line for help when millions of people around the country don’t know how they’ll keep the lights on over the coming months? These caps on bonuses were introduced to provide a more balanced economy - and to get away from a culture of bankers taking “excessive risks”. If Liz Truss believes in ‘levelling up’ the whole of Britain, then she should prioritise places outside of the City of London and put ordinary people at the front of the queue for support.
    47,744 of 50,000 Signatures