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To: National Trust Scotland

Big Daveys Anvil Challenge

I would like the anvil (18stone in weight) that my friend Davey is dragging to the highest point, Goatfell, on my island, the Isle of Arran on the west coast of Scotland.

Why is this important?

I believe by forcing the anvil to be brought down we on the island are missing the opportunity to have a legendary story and talking point at the highest point on the island. It seems that the national trust Scotland is only interested in not seeing a precident. I feel that it should be an exception as it is a crazy task, dragging an 18 stone anvil up 2866 feet of mountain taking some 4 weeks to complete the challenge. I think it may add to tourism and folklore and mystery of a small Scottish island. I think this is the last roll of the dice, as the NTS has not replied to my 3 emails.

Isle of Arran (but is worldwide news)

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2016-07-16 21:07:08 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-06-08 12:13:07 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-06-01 13:01:29 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-06-01 01:06:04 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-05-31 22:38:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-05-31 22:05:00 +0100

10 signatures reached