10 signatures reached
To: All supermarkets
Black plastic trays
End use of black plastic trays for meat, vegetables and ready-made meals
Why is this important?
Currently most black plastic is not recycled. Many local councils do not have the equipment to recycle it and therefore it goes to Landfill. Black plastic trays (used for meat, vegetables and ready-made meals) could easily be replaced with clear plastic trays which are recycled.
Supermarkets continue to supply products to market over-packaged and worse in non-recyclable packaging with little regard for the environment. I am asking supermarkets to make a change and reduce the load to landfill. Please stop using black plastic trays.
Supermarkets continue to supply products to market over-packaged and worse in non-recyclable packaging with little regard for the environment. I am asking supermarkets to make a change and reduce the load to landfill. Please stop using black plastic trays.