To: Stores

Boycott stores playing Christmas music in November

Stop stores playing Christmas music, especially in November.

Why is this important?

1. It's only November .
2. It is repetitive rubbish that we have all heard a million times before and should be confined to the week before the 'big day', if at all, then binned.
3. It is designed to make you go deliberately insane and start panic buying cheap random junk for people you don't see very often or don't like. .
4. Cliff Richard .
5. The same song follows you around all day, whatever store you go into. You can't get away from it.
6. And the Christmas queues - you just can't escape quickly. Having your toe nails ripped out would be preferable.
7. Slade
8. Those bells, those bloomin' bells, they're in my head, I can't rid of them. Kill me now.


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