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To: Ofcom

Break BT Broadband Rural Monopoly

Break up the BT Openreach monopoly in Pembrokeshire so individuals and small businesses can choose their provider, and get fibre-optic broadband installed in a more timely manner.

Why is this important?

BT / Openreach have been promising fibre-optic broadband to rural communities in Pembrokeshire for a long time, and yet installation dates keep getting pushed further back because we are simply not a priority. As customers we cannot just switch provider, because the majority of rural communities have old-fashioned BT exchanges, a fact that not only means we are caught in a monopoly trap, we actually pay more for our services than areas which do have other suppliers. Enterprise and entrepreneurship are big buzz words in our county at the moment, but how can successful businesses be built when our Internet speeds barely pass 3 mbps? We need more choice, and better service!


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2016-03-24 20:53:09 +0000

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