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To: Brighton and Hove City Council

Brighton Disabled Children's service to be axed !!

Please do not make any cuts to our vital outreach services in Brighton and Hove for disabled children, their families, their carers and the staff. Our outreach service is under threat of closure. The Outreach flat and vehicles will also be taken away. This essential lifeline to our most vulnerable children cannot be lost.

Why is this important?

This is such an important service, providing respite and a safe and controlled environment for our young disabled children. Especially so for children with severe autism. These children do not have friends to hang out with, they don't have hobbies or clubs they can go to. Many of these children cannot go to the cinema or bowling, it is too distressing for them. The outreach team provide the most wonderful, caring staff to take these children out. They become their 'friends' their lifeline to anything outside of home and school life. The staff learn the needs of these children and cater to them. They take them out. Sometimes it may just be for a drive. My severely autistic son Merlin loves to look at tall buildings and structures. He loves to go for a drive to look at tall things at night. This makes him so happy. I don't drive. He loves to go to the outreach flat and cook. He loves to make play dough. He loves to watch old videos of old kids programmes. The outreach flat provides all this. He always asks me if he can go out with outreach every night. it is his home from home. His outreach workers Emma and Andrew are his 'best friends' They understand him completely. He has built up a relationship with them that no one else comes close too. His autism effects every aspect of his life. This service is his life without it he has nothing to look forward to. We cannot lose it.
Brighton and Hove

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2015-11-05 19:11:41 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-11-05 00:54:00 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-11-04 10:11:54 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-11-04 05:54:56 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-11-03 22:52:21 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-03 21:59:43 +0000

10 signatures reached