Bring back Spitting Image

Bring back the satirical puppet show Spiting Image, a national treasure and one of the finest sociopolitical comedies ever.

The political landscape has never been better; strong, stable comedy, Lord Bucket Head surging in the polls, and an ego maniac clown on the red button stateside.

We haven't had this much material since the last time the Tories screwed everything and everyone!

The stars behind the the stars are still in their element; Coogan, Robins, Bremner, Gowan, Barry, Dennis, Gold to name but some.

This is a once in a generation opportunity....

Why is this important?

Political satire is important. It's comedy but with a genuine message and a social narrative that doesn't just cut through the partisan mud slinging; It holds it up to the light and mocks it for absurd and useless, waste of time it actually is.

Comedy is much more than a giggle and a bit of fun. It is social commentary, it is unifying and it is a powerful way to communicate.

Political satire needs a bigger, bolder voice; Franky Boyle can't do it on his own.