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To: Arriva Kent and Surrey

Bring back the 333 Bus
Reinstate the 333 Bus between Faversham and Sittingbourne once the public start to use public transport again.

Why is this important?

Arriva axed the 333 bus between Faversham and Sittingbourne on 4 January because it claimed it was being underused during the pandemic. If it is not re-instated communities along the A2 like Bapchild, Teynham, Norton and Ospringe will have fewer buses and at some stops none because the remaining buses take a different route. More passengers using local buses to travel between these growing communities will help reduce congestion and pollution.

As one member of the public said on social media “Arriva should make this a temporary discontinuation, This service was well used before the pandemic and it is a very short-sighted move.The only reason is not being used at the moment is due to the Covid restrictions and the government’s request that public transport is only used as an absolute necessity.

Please support the petition and help us get the service re-instated.
Sittingbourne, UK

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2021-02-07 21:28:21 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-01-27 19:04:21 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-01-27 14:11:00 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-01-27 11:18:26 +0000

10 signatures reached