To: MP

Bring up NHS funds for mental health services around Norfolk, UK.

Put more funds into the local mental health team for adolescents.

Why is this important?

Only 2% of NHS funds go to mental health services.

I struggle with mental health problems and i know a lot of other people who also struggle with mental health problems. We have had to wait for a long time until getting referred. This is dangerous because I know people who are of danger to themselves and they still had to wait months until actually getting help regarding their issues. More money needs to be funded to mental health services around my area because the low amount of help in a long period of time people actually get is terrible.
I, myself am having to wait months (for the second time) to get therapy. I am a self-harming adolescent who is severely depressed, OCD and anxious. I think it's a dangerous amount of time to wait for getting help.
It needs to change. As soon as possible. Please.

Norfolk, UK

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