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To: Right Honourable George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

British Bees Need Our Help Again!

The British sugar industry has increased yields by 25% over the last decade, despite this they are calling for emergency approval to use neonicotinoids on this year’s sugar beet crop.

Neonicotinoids have been banned for the last few years due to their harmful effects on wildlife, in particular pollinators such as bees. Despite this and against scientific advice the UK government has approved the use of this harmful substance after lobbying from the sugar industry, citing risk of reduced yields and economic loss.

However the government’s own advisors have said on the subject of neonicotinoids “…is mobile in the environment and can pose potentially significant risks to a range of wildlife that includes, but is not restricted to, pollinators. Studies indicate that effects have been found outside treated areas and accumulated via food webs. Understanding of these wider environmental risks is currently insufficient to assess the specific risk of the proposed limited use”.

It seems the government is prepared to gamble on the welfare of our wildlife, including pollinators who are crucial to a wide range of flowering crops, despite claiming to be a champion for the environment. Please show your support for our bees and the natural world by reversing this decision.

Why is this important?

To show you care for the UK’s fauna and flora, and in particular bees and other pollinators who play such an important role in our world and to stop the government gambling with our world by approving the use of harmful pesticides.



2022-03-08 20:05:57 +0000

10 signatures reached