To: Kingston upon Thames TFL

Bus Route

A extra bus route is needed for the area of KT5 . Berrylands Rd.

Why is this important?

A extra bus route is needed for the area of KT5 .Berrylands Rd.
We have one small bus K2 taking passengers to Surbiton station then on to the kingston hospital,
But this bus misses all the hundreds & hundreds of flats including houses dotted along the way, as it doesn't reach down into the the Berrylands rd. You have to walk 15/10 mins just to get to a bus stop and if you miss that bus you have to wait 15 mins for next bus, for the amount of people that live on and off the Berrylands rd this is hughly frustrating late for your Train or late for your hospital appointment. These two, the station and the hospital are quite important part of people lives and this day & age it seems ridiculous that we feel like we have a rural countryside service for a London area.
Please give us a extra bus route for the Berrylands rd, for this area of mass of people living here.

KT5 Berrylands Rd

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