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To: Northamptonshire County Council and Oxfordshire County Councils

Bus Subsidy cuts on Stagecoach Midlands 8 Northampton to Bicester service

WE WON! Update 7/3/15 - The service has ben kept on but with another service number

To keep the subsidy provided by on the bus route between Silverstone- Syresham-Brackley and Evenley with Northamptonshire County Council and into the Oxfordshire County Council villages of Cottisford , Hethe, Fringford and Stratton Audley. THIS IS THE ONLY REGULAR BUS SERVICE CONNECTING THOSE PLACES.

Why is this important?

The bus route acts as a means of getting to work, hospitals, banking doctors surgery's, shopping and leisure. This is the only regular bus service, which also serves the Flora Thompson villages featured in Lark Rise to Candleford - Fringford is known as Candleford Green and Brackley, Evenly and Bicester feature also by real name in the books.

Unfortunately both Northamptonshire County Council and
Oxfordshire County Council have effectively decided to cease funding
service 8 from May 2016. It will simply not be economic for Stagecoach
Midlands to retain the existing service on a commercial basis after that
date, but we are hoping to be able to retain a limited off peak service
towards the end of the year, when there will be some section 106
money available to fund an enhancement of that off peak link between
Brackley - Silverstone and Northampton.

The bus subsidy should remain on the route effected by it, until such a time that section 106 money is released later in 2016 that will make the service a commercially run service along its entire route.
Based on analysis against the subsidy and value for money criteria set out in the Council’s Bus Strategy, it is proposed that the following services will be
Service 8 would be withdrawn between Silverstone, Brackley and Bicester for connections to Oxford. Service would still run commercially between
Northampton, Towcester and Silverstone.
It is is expected that the villages of Evenley, Syresham and Whitfeld would have some replacement services offered by County Connect.
There would no longer be an off-peak or Saturday bus service between Brackley and Towcester or Northampton, or at any time from Towcester or Brackley
to Bicester.

How it will be delivered

By using a PDF



2016-03-07 09:54:32 +0000

Petition is successful with 389 signatures

2016-02-06 19:23:13 +0000

The petition will be sent to public transport county councillors in both Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire , it s a case use the bus or loose, treat it like the railways in the mid 1960`s when Beeching closed the main line in Brackley linking it to London and Nottingham/Sheffield.
Again it was passenger numbers which saw the closure , so Brackley will be cut of from Hospitals in Oxford and Northampton , villagers will be unable to visit surgery's, banks dentists, shops ,schools and colleges for those under 21 and 18 , and those who work in places like Bicester from the villages or Brackley.,

2016-02-05 02:28:13 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-02-01 22:39:02 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-01-31 17:18:32 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-01-31 08:39:48 +0000

10 signatures reached