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To: Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Mairi McAllan MSP

Buses for Passengers not Profit - Rutherglen and Hamilton West
We are calling for the N18 bus service - which runs from Glasgow City Centre to Rutherglen - and the N267 - which runs from Glasgow City Centre to Hillhouse via Rutherglen, Cambuslang, Blantyre and Hamilton to be retained.

These services are vital for local people working in Glasgow's hospitality sector, who will now be forced to change job or pay for a taxi to get home from work.

This is just the latest in a long line of bus route changes which have adversely affected local communities.

In addition to immediate confirmation that the above services will be retained, we are also calling for the Scottish Government to introduce legislation for a publicly owned bus network without delay.

We believe that this will benefit passengers and the economy.

Enough is enough! Buses should be for passengers, not profit!

Why is this important?

Buses should be run for passengers, not profits.

The N18 and N267 are vital for local people working in Glasgow's hospitality sector, who will now be forced to change job or pay for a taxi to get home from work.

In addition to retaining these services, we need wholesale reform of our transport system, including the creation of a publicly owned bus network - one that puts passengers before profit.

This won't just be good for people that currently use the bus, it'll also help small businesses and the wider economy.

How it will be delivered

By email, to First Bus and the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Mairi McAllan MSP.

Rutherglen and Hamilton West, Cambuslang, Glasgow G72 8EY, UK

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2023-07-13 14:13:54 +0100

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2023-07-12 19:05:38 +0100

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