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To: Justice Secretary Alex Chalk & Prime Minister Rishi Sunak


Potential Risk Arising From Toxic Gas In Landfills

We are calling for a truthful public debate and investigation into the tragic death of 7 year old Zane Gbangbola, who died when hydrogen cyanide was found in his home as floodwater rose beneath.

Why is this important?

Zane died in his home on 8 February 2014, a day after his home in Chertsey was hit by severe floods. His parents Nicole and Kye were hospitalised in a critical condition.

Evidence suggests the cause of Zane’s death was hydrogen cyanide, a toxic gas that can lurk in unregulated landfill - like the one by their house - released from the ground by mixing with floodwater. But it took Public Health England 14 weeks to confirm to the family that hydrogen cyanide was indeed found in their flooded house. And despite this the pathologist was never told to test Zane’s blood for hydrogen cyanide.

Nicole and Kye are bereaved parents who deserve to know what really happened to their son. They have been left ‘broken’ by the death of their son and frustrated by the lack of answers.

Zane's father Kye, who was left paralysed from the same incident and whose diagnosis is paraplegia due to Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning, says:

“We really want to push and find answers because it is wrong that these risks can occur. Ideally this is something we would like to be able to highlight nationally. This deadly gas has come from somewhere, the authorities need to admit its presence, investigate its source and act to prevent more deaths and illness.

We miss Zane every second of the day and all those who spent time with Zane commented that Zane was a truly remarkable boy. We would not want anyone else to experience this pain and burden of a living hell”.




2019-03-30 15:25:02 +0000

50,000 signatures reached

2019-02-19 08:11:28 +0000

Lee Belsten, secretary of the Fire Brigades Union in Surrey, said: ‘It was our firefighters who detected hydrogen cyanide at the property and our members believe that the verdict of the coroner was highly questionable. We will expose the true events and hold to account those individuals and authorities who we believe lied and withheld crucial evidence.’
and short video here

2019-02-15 15:05:13 +0000

Zane the Truth - Please pre-order your copy now!

Get your Advanced order Special Edition hard back with your name in it (Only for the first 2000 people to buy).

Zane's voice will be heard if we shout loud enough. Zane's death must not be silenced.

Purchase at:

2019-02-09 15:48:20 +0000

BBC NEWS - FIRE BRIGADE UNION backing for Zane Gbangbola Thames flood death inquiry - Please see more here >>

2019-01-02 10:48:43 +0000

We would like to wish all of our incredible supporters a Happy New Year! We ask that you stick with us for the forthcoming future, as we need all the support/help we can get to ensure that this never happens to another family.

Zane's mummy spoke bravely with Ian Payne at LBC about her son's tragic death and how being refused Legal Aid three times has assisted the cover-up. You can listen here >>

Truth and Justice for Zane 2019,


Kye and Nicole
Zane's Daddy and Mummy

2018-12-16 18:05:22 +0000

All we want for Christmas is our little boy. Zane died and authorities lied; protecting their reputations and kicking our sons death into the long grass.

Please read our latest blog on yesterday's rally

We want to thank you for helping us at a time when we are most vulnerable. You have truly given us hope and allowed us to fight for our son when we are being crushed both emotionally and financially. Thank you and please give everyone you love an extra cuddle this Christmas.

Kye and Nicole

2018-11-23 07:02:40 +0000

Please join us on 15th December 2018 as we continue to fight for #TruthAboutZane
Little Zane can't enjoy Christmas but we can all be his voice for Truth
Zane Died - Authorities Lied
For full details please go to >>

2018-10-20 08:22:48 +0100

Our precious child Zane, should have been 12 years old on Sunday 21st October, it is a time when many of his little friends are celebrating their birthdays and we soundly appreciate the happiness this brings, as this would be our only wish at the time; for our boy and his friends to all be celebrating and sharing these happy occasions together.

Zane being poisoned in a house infused with the nerve agent hydrogen cyanide detected by specialist HAZMAT at 'Very High Levels' and the cruel failings that followed has created a different world view for us.

Please read our full message here:>>

2018-09-08 11:39:41 +0100

The Gov confirmed Novichok emergency vehicles buried near village of 13,000 “There is absolutely no risk to the public of using hazardous waste landfill sites. These locations are fully sealed and highly regulated to ensure waste is disposed of safely. This is controlled by regulation, overseen by the EA, which specifically ensures that sites are not prone to flooding or other hazards.”

PRESS PAUSE: "This is controlled by regulation, overseen by the Environment Agency, which specifically ensures that sites are not prone to flooding or other hazards.” Mmmmmm! The EA who protected their own property next to Zane's Home and watched as the ‘historic landfill’ (unregulated and unsealed) flooded. Point here also proves even the safest of regulated sites pose a danger when flooded.

Zane died, Authorities lied

to read full article in The Times; click here >>

2018-07-06 11:08:04 +0100

Zane should be graduating junior school today, which is another raw, and painful milestone denied him. So many lost moments, dreams, aspirations. Zane’s parents have not only suffered the loss of their precious child, the paralysis of Zane’s father and the long drawn out fight for truth. Zane’s mum describes grief, as a sign of how much Zane was deeply loved. How Zane could not have been loved more and how every second without him is a moment lost.

Zane’s school included a memorial for Zane during the leavers assembly where in a beautiful and highly moving speech, one of his best friend read of Zane’s many achievements and how their love and friendship has no boundaries. Zane’s Eco Award was given out and the school has a beautiful eco garden dedicated to Zane called ‘Zane’s Garden’

The power of love is stronger than the love of power.

2018-07-06 10:54:41 +0100

The Home Secretary has said yesterday the couple exposed to the nerve agent Novichok in Amesbury were exposed in an area that hadn't been part of the clean-up following the Skripal's poisoning months before.

But Sajid Javid also said, "It is completely unacceptable for our people to be either deliberate or accidental targets, or for our streets, our parks, our towns, to be dumping grounds for poison."

Yet little Zane's death continues to be kicked into long grass when, The Nerve Agent Hydrogen Cyanide was detected in his home. The Environment Agency protected the property they own next door with gas proof membranes 4 years prior after commissioning reports which showed migrating gases that would ‘kill or cause serious injury’ to occupants, due to the close proximity of the abutting historic landfill site.

2018-06-08 16:31:49 +0100

See the latest issue of @Her_Edit with Andy Burnham . He's the lynch pin between Her_Edit's 2 campaigns for @TruthAboutZane & @Justice4the21 .

52 months today since little Zane was killed and our fight for transparency and truth began. Public bodies continue to protect reputations rather than lives.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.

Nicole (Zane's Mummy)

2018-03-28 07:51:42 +0100

Is it down to luck or public agenda if you secure the truth? Are children's lives less important in the UK?

Please read and share:

2018-03-08 08:08:00 +0000

Today marks 49 months since Zane was killed. What is significant about that, you may ask? Well, for Zane's parents, it's been 49 months since there world came to an abrupt stop and there precious boy was killed. Since that moment on the 8th March 2014, Kye and Nicole have spent every day since fighting for truthful answers,

A highly toxic chemical nerve agent was detected in their house by emergency HAZMAT and government scientists took over the property yet that information was never made public.

Having established that the nerve agent Hydrogen Cyanide, which was used in the gas chambers during the second world war, was the cause of the symptoms….why did all the walls come down and the theory of CO released into the public as speculation.

Zane's mother speaks to LBC Shelagh Fogarty, you can listen to the full 10 minute interview here:

2018-02-25 11:06:53 +0000

2017 Summary - Another year fighting for TruthAboutZane