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To: Justice Secretary Alex Chalk & Prime Minister Rishi Sunak


Potential Risk Arising From Toxic Gas In Landfills

We are calling for a truthful public debate and investigation into the tragic death of 7 year old Zane Gbangbola, who died when hydrogen cyanide was found in his home as floodwater rose beneath.

Why is this important?

Zane died in his home on 8 February 2014, a day after his home in Chertsey was hit by severe floods. His parents Nicole and Kye were hospitalised in a critical condition.

Evidence suggests the cause of Zane’s death was hydrogen cyanide, a toxic gas that can lurk in unregulated landfill - like the one by their house - released from the ground by mixing with floodwater. But it took Public Health England 14 weeks to confirm to the family that hydrogen cyanide was indeed found in their flooded house. And despite this the pathologist was never told to test Zane’s blood for hydrogen cyanide.

Nicole and Kye are bereaved parents who deserve to know what really happened to their son. They have been left ‘broken’ by the death of their son and frustrated by the lack of answers.

Zane's father Kye, who was left paralysed from the same incident and whose diagnosis is paraplegia due to Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning, says:

“We really want to push and find answers because it is wrong that these risks can occur. Ideally this is something we would like to be able to highlight nationally. This deadly gas has come from somewhere, the authorities need to admit its presence, investigate its source and act to prevent more deaths and illness.

We miss Zane every second of the day and all those who spent time with Zane commented that Zane was a truly remarkable boy. We would not want anyone else to experience this pain and burden of a living hell”.




2018-01-19 01:11:28 +0000

Landfill: A Toxic Ticking Timebomb via @talkfracking
This article has come to our attention. Excellent work and great to have others standing up for Zane in a world where you can feel so alone when fighting for truth and justice.
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are"

Thank you all for your continued support. It will be 4 years on the 8th February since Zane was killed and the family will be holding a memorial to remember their precious and much loved little boy, Zane. Please let us know if you would like to join us.

2018-01-11 20:18:14 +0000

The UK government have today set out their 25 year Environmental Plan in which they confirm that they have a role in protecting and improving the environment both at home and abroad.

Will the government put its words of environmental protection being at the heart of the strategy into action where it counts, and deliver the social justice they promise?

If Teresa May wants to persuade people this is more than green washing and government spin, she needs to immediately grant an independent panel inquiry into the death of 7 year old Zane. You UK GOV can’t claim to care about the environment, care about the next generation and then let chemical contamination pollute our homes and kill our children.

Full blog here:

2017-12-06 22:04:00 +0000

As we approach 46 months since Zane was killed and another heartbreaking Christmas without him, Zane's father is invited to speak at Socialism 2017.

Kye said, "The loss of a child is the cruelest thing that can happen to any family. Our beautiful son's death has left us empty and broken.

We have endured the most astounding catalogue of abuse from authorities, but still we fight for justice."

Read the full article here

2017-11-03 10:59:34 +0000

BISHOP JAMES JONES CONDEMNS ‘PATRONISING AND UNACCOUNTABLE’ PUBLIC BODIES what the Hillsborough families' have achieved is a "value to the nation' Please read our update here

2017-10-11 23:55:04 +0100

PLEASE read & share @her_edit - Zane's mum tells her heartbreaking story @TruthAboutZane @HillsboroughLaw

2017-10-05 22:49:33 +0100

You are invited to the gala launch of a unique, global event we're speaking at along with Sir Jonathon Porritt and 10 UK based ClimateKeys pianists. Tickets are available on the door and include a post-concert glass of wine. Hope to see you there and do forward this to your friends and colleagues!

2017-09-13 14:48:26 +0100

Come to @ClimateKeys piano concert - Guest Speaker: Jonathon Porritt - Special Guests: Zane's Parents @TruthAboutZane - ten concert pianists - 25th October 2017 at 7pm London,UK
Details here:

2017-07-11 00:35:17 +0100

BBC NEWS reveal that letters have been sent out to households beside historic landfill sites telling them not to use self closing airbricks which can trap harmful gasses in the subfloor. If you missed it, you can watch here

2017-06-27 00:24:21 +0100

We are marching for TruthAboutZane are you coming with us?

NOT ONE MORE DAY Demo Sat 1 July - The TAZ contingent will gather outside the Langham Hotel Portland Place, W1B 1JA (opp. BBC Broadcasting House) at 11:45am we will then march to Parliament. Our campaign is not political; it is a fight for truth and the protection of others.
Hillsborough taught us that people in positions of serious power will seek to keep the truth about a tragedy from the public. If they can do this to the families of 96 victims imagine what they can do to two parents. Please join us so we never walk alone.

2017-06-21 15:24:02 +0100

The Award winning Radio 4 programme 'File on 4' heavily featured Zane and the toxic legacy of Britain's industrial heritage 'lies' festering beneath our feet in 20,000 former landfill sites. Many of these sites were commissioned long before safety and environmental regulations were introduced so nobody knows what's buried underground and what problems it might create in the future. What 'Lies' Beneath: The legacy of uncontrolled landfill and the tragic and unnecessary death of a little boy in a toxic combination of landfill gases and flooding. You can listen to the programme here:

2017-06-11 08:56:21 +0100

It is now 40 months since Zane's untimely and unnecessary death. Zane's parents continue to fight everyday for a full and fearless investigation into the truth about how their precious child was killed and would like anyone with information to speak to us in confidence, it is essential agencies that are meant to protect the public do the right thing. Walls of silence and misinformation are unhelpful to finding the Truth About Zane, and protecting those at risk. Do not allow a child's death to be swept under the carpet.

2017-03-31 14:41:28 +0100

The Green Party has joined calls for an independent panel inquiry into the death of seven-year-old Zane Gbangbola, who died in 2014 after his home in Surrey was flooded.‘hillsborough-law’-bill-reaches-parliament/

2017-03-31 14:26:43 +0100

A Seven-Year-Old Is Dead - Why Did The Inquest Produce More Questions Than Answers? Article by Jonathan Bartley Green Party Co Leader
The authorities involved in this investigation must be held accountable. We must make sure the truth emerges, for Zane himself, for Kye and Nicole, and for every single person in the UK living next to a landfill site, whether they know it or not. A tragedy like this must never happen again.

2017-03-30 09:21:25 +0100

Historic Bill Presented to Parliament. New Public Authority (Accountability) "Hillsborough Law" can stop more families suffering - historic bill will make it a criminal offence for police officers and other public authorities to cover up wrongdoing and give bereaved families the same resources to make their case at inquests will be presented to Parliament 29 March 2017.

2017-03-12 13:59:06 +0000

BAFTA-winning English naturalist, writer and television presenter, best known for BBC TV's Deadly 60 Steve Backshall and his wife, Olympic champion rower Helen Glover, took a moment as they passed along the Thames, to show their support for Zane's parents and their fight for the TruthAboutZane. Read more here: