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To: Justice Secretary Alex Chalk & Prime Minister Rishi Sunak


Potential Risk Arising From Toxic Gas In Landfills

We are calling for a truthful public debate and investigation into the tragic death of 7 year old Zane Gbangbola, who died when hydrogen cyanide was found in his home as floodwater rose beneath.

Why is this important?

Zane died in his home on 8 February 2014, a day after his home in Chertsey was hit by severe floods. His parents Nicole and Kye were hospitalised in a critical condition.

Evidence suggests the cause of Zane’s death was hydrogen cyanide, a toxic gas that can lurk in unregulated landfill - like the one by their house - released from the ground by mixing with floodwater. But it took Public Health England 14 weeks to confirm to the family that hydrogen cyanide was indeed found in their flooded house. And despite this the pathologist was never told to test Zane’s blood for hydrogen cyanide.

Nicole and Kye are bereaved parents who deserve to know what really happened to their son. They have been left ‘broken’ by the death of their son and frustrated by the lack of answers.

Zane's father Kye, who was left paralysed from the same incident and whose diagnosis is paraplegia due to Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning, says:

“We really want to push and find answers because it is wrong that these risks can occur. Ideally this is something we would like to be able to highlight nationally. This deadly gas has come from somewhere, the authorities need to admit its presence, investigate its source and act to prevent more deaths and illness.

We miss Zane every second of the day and all those who spent time with Zane commented that Zane was a truly remarkable boy. We would not want anyone else to experience this pain and burden of a living hell”.




2017-02-10 22:46:11 +0000

Three years on from tragedy, fireworks light up the sky for Zane.
"Today we reach out to the other side of pain and injustice that closed Zane's eyes, to a space where we can celebrate and remember Zane,"
Read more and see the short video here:

2017-02-03 16:47:40 +0000

Grieving parents of Zane Gbangbola go to Parliament to speak at the Justice Summit. They join forces with Hillsborough Family Support Group, the Orgreave Truth And Justice Campaign and Justice4the21 Campaign, Shrewsbury 24 Campaign, Sean Rigg Justice & Change Campaign, amongst others to support the call for ‘Hillsborough Law’.

2016-09-18 13:55:04 +0100

Shadow Home Secretary has attacked the 'seriously flawed' inquest

Please read todays full article:

2016-09-13 13:34:17 +0100

Emotional scenes outside Woking Coroner's Court as Zane's parents fight for #TruthAboutZane

2016-07-24 07:02:02 +0100

Inquest shock: Pathologist investigating death of seven-year-old boy tells coroner that police failed to reveal high levels of cyanide gas in child's flooded home.

2016-06-07 16:16:22 +0100

BREAKING NEWS: Gbangbola family denied legal aid for the third time just days before inquest into their son Zane's death


2016-06-05 08:22:22 +0100

BBC News video - Zane's parents say they need a MIRACLE with no legal aid  and only 5 working days before the inquest begins - Truth About Zane

2016-06-02 08:03:38 +0100

UPDATE: With 11 days to go and no Legal Aid granted for legal representation, Zane's parents appear on BBC The One Show. With no Legal Aid and only half the money raised, Zane's parents have written and spoken to everyone and anyone who will listen to try and get answers for their son. Another application has been submitted to the LAA. This will be the third time after the original and appeal were refused.

2016-05-29 07:54:28 +0100

Tragic flood boy's parents MUST be given legal aid, demands coroner in 'cyanide' inquest that's so complicated even he has his own (publicly financed) barrister)

Read more:

2016-05-23 08:07:41 +0100

Criminologist Professor Phil Scraton who was central to revealing The Truth about Hillsborough says that the parents of Zane Gbangbola should get legal aid. Please listen to his interview yesterday with LBC Tom Swarbrick -

2016-05-06 12:35:17 +0100

Hillsborough Verdict a Warning to Authorities on Failings and Cover Ups

The 96 Liverpool fans who tragically died at Hillsborough have finally been recognised as victims of ‘unlawful killing’. I have the highest respect for the friends and families of the victims who fought for years for this recognition for their loved ones. This historic case proves that neglect and cover ups by authorities will not be tolerated, those who are wronged will not be silenced until the truth is recognised.

We must find out the Truth About Zane and we must learn lessons to protect others from suffering the same fate.

The people of surrey and all those and all those in areas touched by flooding must stand by the Gbangbola family, as the people of Liverpool did for the victims of Hillsborough. We must not rest until justice is served. We hope it will not take the agonising 27 years that the Hillsborough families suffered, but if it does we must be there.

2016-04-09 08:35:12 +0100

To hear more of Kye and Nicole, tune in to Tom Swarbrick Saturday 9th April from 12pm on LBC., call on 0345 60 60 973 to text 84850, tweet @TomSwarbrick1 @lbc -
- get in contact and let them know if you think Zane's death is of interest to the wider public and Kye and Nicole should be granted legal aid.

2016-03-01 17:05:12 +0000

Refused legal aid on the grounds that Zane's inquest did not concern "the public interest".
Mr Gbangbola, said "An expectation that broken parents should have to represent themselves... that doesn't seem fair or right in any kind of compassionate legal system," he said.
Ms Lawler added: "The hardest thing you can do is read your child's post-mortem and then be expected to question the very people that did that... they've put us in an impossible situation."
"Our love for Zane will keep us strong... the reason we survived was to make sure that the truth came out," Ms Lawler said.
"We will protect Zane and fight for Zane for the rest of our lives so there's absolutely no way that we will pull out whether we end up doing it ourselves or whether we're able to raise the funds by other means."
Listen here:

2016-02-21 01:09:26 +0000

URGENT UPDATE: Zane's parents now face having to represent themselves at the coroner's inquest. Meanwhile, the Environment Agency, Spelthorne Borough Council and the local NHS trust have all hired QC's and barristers at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money to fight the case and the mountain of evidence which proves hydrogen cyanide killed Zane.

How are the grieving parents supposed to argue against 160 years of legal experience between them?
Imagine having to question the pathologist that carried out your precious child's postmortem.

read the full article here >>

2016-02-10 17:14:17 +0000

Dear Friends, A moment of reflection to commemorate 2 years since Zane was tragically killed. Crowds gathered outside the family home for an emotional candlelit memorial, where Zane's parents spoke of their "remarkable" boy who had an "indomitable spirit and was full of life…. “On this day we remember and honour our Zane, our beautiful, funny, kind, intelligent ‘light up people’s lives’ and loving boy Zane.

“He had this great old fashioned quality of being really nice to chat to and speak with. Today we reach out to the other side of pain and injustice and reach behind a time when Zane closed his eyes.

"We talk about the things that he did and the people he touched in his remarkable seven years.”

Zane's parents were also interviewed by BBC News about the new evidence confirming 25,000ppm hydrogen cyanide was recorded in the family home when Zane died. The interview can be watched here