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To: First Minister of Scotland

Call for government intervention in the running of Argyll and Bute Council

Intervene in the day to day running of Argyll and Bute Council

Why is this important?

Argyll and Bute council over the past few years have consistently acted against the wishes of the communities they were meant to serve.

We now find that they have promoted Mr. Cleland Sneddon to the most senior council officer post of Chief Executive

Mr. Sneddon in one of his first acts when arriving at Argyll and Bute Council was to try and close 26 rural schools which would have destroyed the fragile communities that they represented. Our elected officials supported him in his actions and it was only the concerted efforts of the communities concerned that stopped the process in its tracks, by showing just how wrong he and the council were in their calculation of the costs and effect of the closures.

Mr. Sneddon chooses not to live within Argyll and Bute, but to commute from his home within the central belt. He has worked with the elected officials to oppose community projects such as Castle Toward, and as a result has assisted in the decline of the population of the region.

This petition calls for Argyll and Bute council to reverse the decision to promote Mr. Sneddon to the position of Chief Executive. It also calls for the Scottish Government to intervene in the running of Argyll and Bute council. To examine the impact of the current management of the council on the population of the area, and to consider all options in improving the lot of the population of Argyll and Bute.

We the undersigned have no confidence in Argyll and Bute Council having the skills and ability to manage the region, and call for government intervention and assistance in providing a council fit for purpose for its long suffering communities.

Argyll and Bute

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2016-04-26 12:42:45 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-25 21:56:46 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-25 19:37:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-25 18:26:32 +0100

10 signatures reached