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To: hrh the queen, boris johnson, piers morgan

Captain Sir Thomas Moore day

mark a day in the annual calendar for people to take just two minutes to remember the life and things Captain Sir Thomas Moore

Why is this important?

the day Captain Tom passed is a day that should be celebrated in the calendar by everyone. Espescially the younger generations who didn't know about Captain Sir Thomas Moore and the amazing things he did and acheived in his lifetime. He was a hero and a hero he shall remain, but it wont be too long before his efforts and acheivments are. and will be forgotten. r.i.p Tom



2021-03-01 11:12:51 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-03-01 07:40:30 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-03-01 00:50:29 +0000

10 signatures reached