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To: Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham

Care of the increasing elderly population

Introduce a targeted Health tax (proposed by Steve Richards in the Independent).

Why is this important?

We have all heard about people who become unable to care for themselves in old age, and who have had to sell their homes to pay for accommodation in retirement homes. This is upsetting and unsatisfactory, both for the elderly people and for their relatives, and the quality of care in these places is often dubious.

A tax raised specifically to address this situation could be used to ensure proper levels of care in every retirement home, or care in the person's home, all governed by NOS (Health and Social Care National Occupational Standards). The urgency of this need is increasing rapidly, in line with the size of the elderly population in this country.

The proposal would solve problems at many levels, as the children and other relatives of the elderly people would be saved much anxiety; also hospital beds would be freed up.



2015-09-12 00:25:07 +0100

10 signatures reached