To: Parliament

Cars must be roadworthy but so should roads.

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

The UK states that all UK vehicle must be road worthy which is why a car must be MOT yearly but our roads are not road worthy for our cars which causes us more expenses to repair our cars yearly as the uk continues to rinse motorist.

Why is this important?

Cost of living and energy prices yet we need our cars to be able to get around and for work but pot holes which don’t get repaired but the uk keep charging us road tax and we must get a mot yearly but the uk with all the money they get can’t repair roads which is costing motorist more money. Either get roads repaired or us the public will start charging and invoicing the UK for all repairs and will take photos of pot holes on the road also we will charge a fee of the time it has taken to stop safely and get to the pot hole for the photo. We will also charge the uk for the uk safe roads.