To: Tredworth Estate & Tenants Residents' Association

Carved sculptures for St. James' Park/City Farm

Make provision for carved sculptures to be placed in St. James' Park, and/or the nearby community garden at the City Farm.

Why is this important?

While such sculptures have been located at various sites around Gloucester, including more than a dozen at Robinswood Hill County Park, funding has instead been expended at St. James' Park on an handful of exercise frames that attract little interest, and poorly secured litter bins that are prone to vandalism.

Carved sculptures, it can be seen at those other sites, instill a real sense of community pride, while being more resistant to both theft and vandalism (which happened to two light benches in the community garden over a year ago, leading to the City Farm locking the garden up, threatening prosecution on 'trespassers', and not replacing the seating). A carved Gloucestershire Old Spot in the park would send a clear message that this rare bit of open green space in the ward has not been overlooked, encouraging and inspiring recreational activities throughout the community.

I would ask residents of Barton & Tredworth and the city in general to support this petition, and promote it to TETRA and our city/county councillors, whenever possible.


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