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To: The British Government

Chagos Islanders will not be allowed home, UK government says

Respect the will of the native people of these islands.

Why is this important?

Morality. A small island nation wiped out by the United States of America with the co-operation of their British toadies between 1967 and 1973 when the entire population was exiled. The islanders' territory stolen because of 'strategic importance' (for the Yanks). There is often talk of British 'decency'. It simply doesn't exist, especially when the strings are pulled by Uncle Sam. It's time to stop this outrageous nonsense. Give the Chagos back now. And at least they'd inherit a first class airfield to bring in tourists - Diego Garcia International!

The Chagos Islands

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2017-09-05 13:18:59 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-11-18 00:37:00 +0000

10 signatures reached