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To: Michael Gove

Challenging Michael Gove to a public debate

Dear Mr. Gove,

My name is Gary Kaye and I am a teacher of English and Media Studies in a comprehensive state secondary school in North Yorkshire.

Like many teachers I am fed up with the constant criticism we face from the Department for Education and from OFSTED. I am also alarmed by the Government's move to soften up the education system for a wholesale future privatisation. Furthermore the raft of academic changes (both in terms of exams and curriculum) will have a negative effect on our profession. Finally, the tearing up of long-standing pension arrangements, the ridiculous idea that we are to work until 67 or 68 and the dismantling of teacher pay and conditions have led our profession into a mood of despair.

You constantly say that you are willing to listen to those in the profession and base your future judgements on what we have to say.

I hereby challenge you to a one on one public debate, at a time and place of your choosing, where we can discuss a full range of issues that are destroying the profession of teaching.

A failure to debate with me in a public place would indicate to me that you seek only to pursue your damaging changes whilst paying no heed to the genuine concerns of teachers who work incredibly hard in the classroom.

Why is this important?

I wish to debate with Michael Gove because he is all too ready to rubbish teaching and teachers, yet seldom does he stand toe to toe and listen to the genuine concerns that classroom practitioners have.

Please support me in my drive to try and get Michael Gove into the arena of public debate.

I am only one teacher, working as hard as I can. I only want to be listened to by the Secretary of State for Education. Is that too much to ask?



2014-02-18 22:26:00 +0000

I am planing to deliver the petition to Michael Gove on March 26th. This is the day that my union, the NUT, is taking industrial action in opposition to Gove's ridiculous tampering with education. Please keep pushing the petition to people and ask them to sign before the 26th March.

2014-01-29 16:08:32 +0000

This petition has three more weeks active. I plan to deliver the petition during the week of 17th February. It's as simple as this, I'm calling Gove out to face me in a public debate. If you have any media contacts who might be interested please forward them to me. Thanks for your continuted support.

2013-09-29 03:16:15 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2013-08-21 12:01:01 +0100

We're nearly at 5000 signatures. Please help me get there and exceed 5000.

2013-06-18 23:01:49 +0100

We're fast approaching 3,000 sigs. I'd really love to get to 50,000 in the next three weeks. Please, please, please keep pushing the petition and if you have any media contacts please nudge them in my direction.