To: The UK parliament

Civil servants must be impartial.

Sack Sir Nicholas Macpherson. For his biased behaviour during the referendum campaign. He recently played a major part in denying the Scottish people a fair and honest campaign. He has blatantly and arrogantly bragged about it in a speech which shows that he clearly thinks that now the government in power has been helped he wont be punished for it.

Why is this important?

He defends himself by stating that there were risks and saying he thought the people had the right know. But he completely ignored that rules are for everybody. They do not bend for any group no matter the opinion of those who work under them. By boasting about it in a speech to his rich cronies he has shown an arrogance beyond belief and total disregard for the Scottish people, by not allowing them to assess the risks (which he himself played a large part in manufacturing) for themselves to make up their own minds. Instead he wholeheartedly helped to build and promote possibly the most frightening and effective of the NO scare stories.

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