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To: David Ford CCC Head of Commissioning and Victoria Constable Network Rail PR

Clean New Dover Road Bridge

Knowing that their was a petition was a real help in exerting pressure on the Council and Network Rail to do the right thing, they have now stripped the ugly white paint and graffiti from the wall.Thank you 38 degrees.

Restore New Dover Road Bridge to its Original Colour

Why is this important?

Canterbury is a World Heritage Site. This wall is one of the first sights of the City for coach loads of visitors from the continent. A pretty red brick wall deserves better than to be smeared with ugly thin white paint that does nothing to conceal graffiti.

How it will be delivered


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2023-03-13 12:45:30 +0000

Petition is successful with 9 signatures

2014-11-28 09:51:46 +0000

Petition is successful with 3 signatures