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To: Bolsover District Council Planning Committee


Deny the planning application for mixed use development inc 1800 homes as listed under 17/00640/OUT known as Clowne Garden Village.

Why is this important?

* Our road infrastructure is already overstretched. The developers
have no credible plans for resolving the tailbacks. Just making them longer.

* 1800 new houses is approx 4000 people and 7000 new cars in the area.

* Our schools are full to capacity. Where will existing residents children be educated never mind 1800 new families!

* Less than 130 houses out of 1800 will be socially affordable?

* The destruction of unspoiled country side, green belt land and hundred of species of wildlife lost to the local area.

* The loss of much needed arable farm land.

* The victorian sewage systems cannot cope as it is.

* Harlesthorpe Dam's water will be contaminated and the excess water impact Clowne, Creswell, Creswell Crags and Welbeck Estates. The new proposed road by the dam wall could cause the dam wall to fail.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be delivered to Bolsover District Council (Development Control)

Clowne, Chesterfield, UK

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2023-06-06 17:25:21 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2023-05-28 16:04:51 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-05-26 22:37:04 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-05-26 19:46:40 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-05-26 18:35:06 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-05-26 15:34:12 +0100

10 signatures reached