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To: Colchester Borough Council

Colchester - Axe the Housing Act

We believe that the Housing and Planning Act of 2016 is a threat to all who need decent and truly affordable housing.

We call upon Colchester Borough Council to work with other councils and campaign against the Housing and Planning Act (2016) in the following ways:

1. By not selling off empty council or Housing Association homes even if they are deemed “high value”.
2. To join other councils in refusing to collect household income data as part of the “pay to stay” provisions, on the grounds of the unreasonable costs of collecting and maintaining such information.
3. To refuse to extend the “bedroom Tax” to pensioners.
4. To continue to issue permanent tenancies.
5. To encourage the development of social housing for rent within the borough through use of planning and other land use schemes for such purposes.

Why is this important?

The Housing and Planning Act is a threat to all except the large landlords and developers making
money from the housing crisis. Council, housing association and private tenants have a common
interest in fighting the Act. So do local councils, housing associations, housing workers and trade
unions. Those who are adequately housed themselves are concerned about where their
children and grandchildren will live. The government wants to divide us, but we must unite to demand a decent housing future for all.

One thing is certain: the Housing and Planning Act will make the housing crisis worse. There will be fewer truly affordable, secure, decent quality homes available for rent so, if they can’t afford to buy, more people will be forced into the unregulated private rented sector. The government dangles the dream of home-owning for all, but in reality it means the richest few buying up more homes, and renting
them to the rest of us. This turns back the housing clock to the early 20th century when 90% of
people in the UK rented privately. We mustn’t let this happen!



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2016-10-27 08:36:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-10-25 08:30:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-10-25 00:53:00 +0100

10 signatures reached